Quick Start


REST Controller

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This section will describe the basic working concepts of the RxMicro framework.

1. How It Works?

The RxMicro framework uses the Java annotation processor, which generates standard code using RxMicro Annotations.

Thus, the RxMicro framework is a framework of declarative programming.

Using the RxMicro framework, the developer focuses on writing the business logic of a microservice. Then he configures the desired standard behavior with RxMicro Annotations. When compiling a project, the RxMicro Annotation Processor generates additional classes. Generated classes contain a standard logic that ensures the functionality of the created microservice.

1.1. A Common Work Schema

The common work schema can be presented as follows:

core schema
Figure 1. The RxMicro framework common work schema.

While solving a business task, the developer writes Micro service source code. Then the developer configures the desired standard microservice behavior via RxMicro Annotations. After that, the developer compiles the project.

Since the RxMicro Annotation Processor is configured in maven, when compiling a project this processor handles the source code of the microservice and generates the additional classes: Micro service generated code. After that, the compiler compiles the source and generated microservice codes: Micro service byte code and Micro service generated byte code.

The compiled source and generated codes along with the RxMicro runtime libraries perform useful work.

1.2. Generating of Additional Classes.

Let’s have a look at the RxMicro framework common work schema, by the example of the REST-based microservice project, which displays the "Hello World!" message in JSON format.
(This project was considered in the quick-start.html section.)

While implementing a business task (in this example, it’s a task of displaying the "Hello World!" message in JSON format) the developer wrote the following Micro service source code:

micro src

In order to inform the RxMicro framework about the need to generate additional classes by which a written Micro service source code can be built into an HTTP server to handle the desired HTTP requests, the developer added the following RxMicro Annotation:


Since the RxMicro Annotation Processor is configured in maven:


then when compiling a project this processor handles the source code of the REST-based microservice and generates the Micro service generated code additional classes:

micro gen src

After the source code of additional classes was successfully generated by the RxMicro Annotation Processor, the compiler compiles:

  • REST-based microservice source code in Micro service byte code:

micro byte
  • Generated code of additional classes in Micro service byte code:

micro gen byte

As a result of the compiler’s work, the REST-based microservice byte code and the byte code of the generated additional classes will be stored jointly in the same jar archive:

all byte

For successful start of the compiled classes, the RxMicro runtime libraries are required:

rxmicro runtime libs

The Micro service byte code, Micro service byte code and RxMicro runtime libraries are the program components of microservice, which perform useful work.

Below we will look closely at each generated additional class and what functions it performs.

The names of all classes generated by the RxMicro framework start with the $$ prefix.

1.2.1. An Additional Class for the REST Controller.

Any REST-based microservice, contains at least one REST controller. For the simplest project, REST-based microservice and REST controller are the same class.

Therefore, when analyzing such projects, such terms as REST controller, REST-based microservice and microservice are synonymous, because physically they are the same class.

The considered REST-based microservice, which displays the "Hello World!" message, is the simplest project, therefore the HelloWorldMicroService class is a REST controller.

For more information on the differences between REST controller, REST-based microservice and microservice, refer to the microservice.html section.

For each REST controller class the RxMicro framework generates an additional class that performs the following functions:

  • Creates a REST controller object.
    (In case of rxmicro.cdi module activation, after creation it also injects the required dependencies.)

  • Creates ModelReader objects that convert HTTP request parameters, headers and body to Java model.

  • Creates ModelWriter objects that convert the Java response model to HTTP response headers and body;

  • Registers all HTTP request handlers of current REST controller in the router.

  • When receiving an HTTP request via the ModelReader object, converts the HTTP request to the Java request model and invokes the corresponding REST controller handler.

  • After receiving the resulting Java response model via the ModelWriter object, converts the Java model into an HTTP response and sends the response to the client.

Such an additional class for the HelloWorldMicroService class is the $$HelloWorldMicroService class:

public final class $$HelloWorldMicroService extends AbstractRestController {

    private HelloWorldMicroService restController;

    private $$ResponseModelWriter responseModelWriter;

    protected void postConstruct() {
        restController = new HelloWorldMicroService(); (1)
        responseModelWriter =
                new $$ResponseModelWriter(restServerConfig.isHumanReadableOutput()); (2)

    public void register(final RestControllerRegistrar registrar) { (3)
                new Registration(
                        this::sayHelloWorld, (4)
                        new ExactUrlRequestMappingRule( (5)

    private CompletionStage<HttpResponse> sayHelloWorld(final PathVariableMapping mapping,
                                                        final HttpRequest request) {
        final HttpHeaders headers = HttpHeaders.of();
        return restController.sayHelloWorld() (6)
                .thenApply(response -> buildResponse(response, 200, headers)); (7)

    private HttpResponse buildResponse(final Response model,
                                       final int statusCode,
                                       final HttpHeaders headers) {
        final HttpResponse response = httpResponseBuilder.build();
        responseModelWriter.write(model, response); (8)
        return response;

1 The $$HelloWorldMicroService component creates an instance of the REST controller class.
2 The $$HelloWorldMicroService component creates an instance of the ModelWriter that converts the Java response model to the HTTP response headers and body.
3 The $$HelloWorldMicroService component registers all HTTP request handlers of the current REST controller.
4 The registration object contains a reference to the HTTP request handler of the current REST controller.
5 The registration object contains a rule, according to which the router determines whether to invoke this HTTP request handler.
6 When receiving HTTP request, the $$HelloWorldMicroService invokes REST controller method.
7 After invoking the REST controller method, an asynchronous result handler is added.
(When using the reactive approach, the current thread cannot be blocked, so the thenApply method is used for delayed result handling.)
8 After receiving the Java response model object, the result handler creates an HTTP response based on the data received from the model, which is subsequently sent to the client.

1.2.2. An ModelWriter Class.

To convert a Java model to an HTTP response, You will need a separate component that performs the following functions:

  • Defines in what format to return an HTTP response depending on the project settings.

  • Creates converter objects that support the specified messaging format.

  • When converting a Java model to an HTTP response, manages the conversion process by delegating invocations to the appropriate components.

Such a separate component for the Response model class is the $$ResponseModelWriter class:

The code of the $$ResponseModelWriter generated class depends on the response model class structure, and the format used for message exchange with the client.

Since the format of message exchange with the client is set in module-info.java of the project (requires rxmicro.rest.server.exchange.json;), and is the configuration for all REST controllers and all their handlers, then within the current project, the $$ResponseModelWriter will depend only on the response model class structure.

Therefore, if several handlers from different REST controllers will return the Response class model, only one $$ResponseModelWriter class will be generated. As a result, in each additional REST controller class, the instance of this class will be used.

public final class $$ResponseModelWriter extends ModelWriter<Response> {

    private final $$ResponseModelToJsonConverter responseModelToJsonConverter; (1)

    private final ExchangeDataFormatConverter<Object> exchangeDataFormatConverter; (2)

    private final String outputMimeType;

    public $$ResponseModelWriter(final boolean humanReadableOutput) {
        exchangeDataFormatConverter =
            new JsonExchangeDataFormatConverter(humanReadableOutput); (3)
        responseModelToJsonConverter = new $$ResponseModelToJsonConverter();
        outputMimeType = exchangeDataFormatConverter.getMimeType();

    public void write(final Response model,
                      final HttpResponse response) {
        response.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, outputMimeType); (4)
        final Map<String, Object> json = responseModelToJsonConverter.toJsonObject(model); (5)
        response.setContent(exchangeDataFormatConverter.toBytes(json)); (6)

1 Since the JSON message exchange format is specified in the settings, a component that can convert the Java response model to a JSON response model is required. (This task is specific for each response model, so to avoid using reflection, You need to generate a separate converter component.)
2 To convert any low-level model (in this example, it’s a JSON response model) into a byte array, You also need a separate converter component.
3 Since the JSON messaging format is specified in the settings, it is assumed that the JSON model will be converted to an byte array, which will be created from the Java response model.
4 Since the JSON message exchange format is specified in the settings, it is necessary to set the HTTP header: Content-Type = application/json.
5 When the HTTP response is formed, it is necessary to convert Java response model to JSON model.
6 The last step is to convert the JSON model to a byte array, that will be written to the HTTP response body.

1.2.3. A Java Model Converter.

To avoid using reflection, You need a component that can convert Java model to JSON model.

This component must support the following functions:

  • Convert Java model to JSON model of any complexity.

  • Support all possible class field access models to be an all-purpose tool.
    (Supported class field access models are described in details in the Section 7, “Encapsulation”.)

Such a separate component for the Response model class is the $$ResponseModelToJsonConverter class:

public final class $$ResponseModelToJsonConverter extends ModelToJsonConverter<Response> {

    public Map<String, Object> toJsonObject(final Response model) {
        final JsonObjectBuilder builder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
        putValuesToBuilder(model, builder);
        return builder.build();

    public void putValuesToBuilder(final Response model,
                                   final JsonObjectBuilder builder) {
        builder.put("message", model.message); (2)
1 JSON object is presented as Map<String, Object>.
(More information about JSON format support by the RxMicro framework can be found in the Section 10, “JSON”.)
2 The value of the message field is read from the Java model by direct reference to the field.
(Supported class field access models are described in details in the Section 7, “Encapsulation”.)

1.2.4. An Aggregator of the REST Controllers.

To integrate developer code into the RxMicro framework infrastructure, You need aggregators.

The aggregators perform the following functions:

  • Register all generated additional classes for REST controllers;

  • Customize the runtime environment;

The aggregators are invoked by the RxMicro framework using reflection.
(That' s why aggregators have a permanent and predefined names and are located in the special package: rxmicro.)

An Aggregator of the REST Controllers for any project is always the rxmicro.MODULE_NAME.$$RestControllerAggregatorImpl class:

package rxmicro.MODULE_NAME; (1)

public final class $$RestControllerAggregatorImpl extends RestControllerAggregator { (2)

    static {
        $$EnvironmentCustomizer.customize(); (3)

    protected List<AbstractMicroService> listAllRestControllers() {
        return List.of(
                new io.rxmicro.examples.quick.start.$$HelloWorldMicroService() (4)

1 All aggregators are always generated in the special package: rxmicro.MODULE_NAME, where MODULE_NAME is the module name or unnamed constant if the current project does not declare the module-info.java descriptor (Read more: Unnamed Modules Support).
2 The predefined name of the REST controller aggregator class is always $$RestControllerAggregatorImpl.
3 When the aggregator class is loaded by the RxMicro framework, the component of the current environment customization is invoked.
4 The aggregator registers all generated additional classes for REST controllers;

1.2.5. An Environment Customizer.

Java 9 has introduced the JPMS.

This system requires that a developer configures access to classes in the module-info.java file of the microservice project.

To enable the RxMicro framework to load aggregator classes, You must export the rxmicro.MODULE_NAME package to the rxmicro.reflection module:

module examples.quick.start {
    requires rxmicro.rest.server.netty;
    requires rxmicro.rest.server.exchange.json;

    exports rxmicro.MODULE_NAME to rxmicro.reflection; (1)
1 Allow access of reflection util classes from the rxmicro.reflection module to all classes from the rxmicro.MODULE_NAME package.

But the rxmicro.MODULE_NAME package is created automatically and after deleting all the generated files, it won’t be possible to compile the module-info.java because of the following error:

package is empty or does not exist: rxmicro.MODULE_NAME.

To solve this problem, the RxMicro framework generates the rxmicro.MODULE_NAME.$$EnvironmentCustomizer class:

package rxmicro.MODULE_NAME; (1)

final class $$EnvironmentCustomizer {

    static {
        exportTheRxmicroPackageToReflectionModule(); (2)
        invokeAllStaticSections($$EnvironmentCustomizer.class.getModule(), "$$EnvironmentCustomizer"); (3)
        // All required customization must be here

    public static void customize() {
        //do nothing. All customization is done at the static section

    private static void exportTheRxmicroPackageToReflectionModule() {
        final Module currentModule = $$EnvironmentCustomizer.class.getModule();
        currentModule.addExports("rxmicro.MODULE_NAME", RX_MICRO_REFLECTION_MODULE); (4)

    private $$EnvironmentCustomizer() {
1 All customizers are always generated in the special package: rxmicro.MODULE_NAME, where MODULE_NAME is the module name or unnamed constant if the current project does not declare the module-info.java descriptor (Read more: Unnamed Modules Support).
2 When the class is loaded, the exportTheRxmicroPackageToReflectionModule() static method is invoked.
3 Finds all $$EnvironmentCustomizer classes that are defined in other modules in the current module path and invokes static sections.
4 In this method body, the export of the rxmicro.MODULE_NAME package to the rxmicro.reflection module is performed dynamically using the capabilities of the java.lang.Module class.

Due to this additional class, all necessary settings for the JPMS are created automatically.

If the RxMicro framework needs additional automatic settings for its correct work, these settings will be automatically added by the RxMicro Annotation Processor to the rxmicro.MODULE_NAME.$$EnvironmentCustomizer class.

1.3. Using the Debug Mode

To get a better idea of how the RxMicro framework works, You can use the debug mode.

To do this, set breakpoints and start the microservice in debug mode.

micro service start debug
Figure 2. Starting the microservice in debug mode.

The code generated by the RxMicro Annotation Processor is a usual source code. So You can use breakpoints for this code as well as for Your source code.

micro service handle request debug
Figure 3. HTTP request handling by microservice in debug mode.

2. RxMicro Annotation Processor Options

The RxMicro Annotation Processor supports the following options:

Table 1. Options supported by the RxMicro Annotation Processor.
Option Description Type Default value


maximum stack size for recursive invocations when analyzing models containing JSON nested objects.

positive int



RxMicro Annotation Processor logging level.




the resulting directory for generated documentation.


Asciidoc: ./src/main/asciidoc


the unnamed module support for a microservice project.




this option allows analyzing parent pom.xml if child pom.xml does not contain required property.




activates additional validation rules during compilation process.

The RxMicro team strong recommends enabling the strict mode for your production code.



These options are set using the compiler arguments in maven-compiler-plugin:


Note that it is necessary to add the -A prefix before setting the value of the option.

The common format is as follows: -A${name}=${value}. For example: -ARX_MICRO_LOG_LEVEL=OFF

3. Don’t Block Current Thread!

In modern computer architecture, IO operations are the slowest ones. As a result, when using multithreading programming model, the use of CPU and RAM is extremely inefficient. For a single-user monolithic application such inefficiency is imperceptible. But for a multi-user distributed application with a much higher number of IO operations, this problem generates huge financial costs for additional hardware and coordination between client data streams (Read more: C10k problem).

Therefore, the Event-driven architecture (EDA) is used for efficient use of the hardware resources of a multi-user distributed application.

The most popular Java framework that uses Event-driven architecture for IO operations is Netty. To write efficient programs using Netty, it is necessary to comply with certain rules and restrictions. The most important of these is the following requirement: Don’t block current thread!

The RxMicro framework is a framework that runs on Netty. Therefore, all requirements for applications that utilize Netty also cover the RxMicro framework.

3.1. Prohibited Operations

Consequently, when writing microservice applications based on the RxMicro framework, the following operations are prohibited:

  • Data reading from a socket or file in a blocking style using java.io.InputStream and child classes.

  • Data writing to a socket or file in a blocking style using java.io.OutputStream and child classes.

  • Interaction with a database using of the blocking driver (all JDBC drivers).

  • Waiting on a lock or a monitor (java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock, Object.wait).

  • Putting the thread into sleep mode (Thread.sleep, TimeUnit.sleep).

  • Any other blocking operations.

The absence of blocking operations in the microservice allows handling many concurrent connections, using a small number of threads and, as a result, to effectively use hardware resources of the computer.

Therefore, when designing microservices via the RxMicro framework, You must follow by the following rule:

When implementing a microservice, if the result can be obtained immediately, it must be returned immediately.

Otherwise, You must return Publisher or CompletableFuture, which will generate the result later.

4. Reactive Libraries Support

The RxMicro framework supports the following reactive programming libraries:

4.1. Expected Business Process Results

When writing reactive programs, the following 4 expected results of any business process are possible:

  1. It is important to complete the business process, but the result is missing or unimportant.

  2. The business process returns the result in a single instance or nothing.

  3. The business process returns the required result in a single instance.

  4. The business process returns the result as (0 .. n) object stream.

When writing a business service using reactive libraries, it is recommended to comply with the following agreements:

Table 2. Which class from a reactive library must be choose?
Reactive Library java.util.concurrent Project Reactor RxJava3

Without result

CompletableFuture<Void> CompletionStage<Void>



Optional result

CompletableFuture<Optional<MODEL>> CompletionStage<Optional<MODEL>>



Required result

CompletableFuture<MODEL> CompletionStage<MODEL>



Stream result

CompletableFuture<List<MODEL>> CompletionStage<List<MODEL>>

Flux<MODEL>, Mono<List<MODEL>>

Flowable<MODEL>, Single<List<MODEL>>

The following types of results Flux<MODEL> and Mono<List<MODEL>>, as well as Flowable<MODEL>, Single<List<MODEL>> are not absolutely equivalent!

For the Flux<MODEL> and Flowable<MODEL> types, the result handler can be invoked before all data is received from a data source, e.g. from a database.

Whereas for Mono<List<MODEL>> and Single<List<MODEL>> the result handler is invoked only after all the data is received from the data source!

4.2. Recommendations for Choosing a Library

General recommendation for choosing a reactive programming library when using the RxMicro framework:

  1. If Your microservice contains simple logic, You can use the lightweight and Java-provided java.util.concurrent library, represented by the CompletableFuture class and the CompletionStage interface.

  2. If Your microservice contains more complex logic, to describe which You need to use complex operators, it is recommended to choose Project Reactor or RxJava.

  3. When choosing between the Project Reactor and RxJava follow the recommendations:

    1. If You are more familiar with the Project Reactor, then use it, otherwise use RxJava.

    2. If You need r2dbc based reactive SQL repositories (rxmicro.data.sql.r2dbc module), then use the Project Reactor.
      (Since r2dbc drivers already use the Project Reactor.)

Thus, when writing microservices via the RxMicro framework, You can use any Java reactive programming library that You prefer!

FYI All libraries support a blocking getting of the result:

public final class BlockingGetResult {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final String blockingResult1 =

        final String blockingResult2 =

        final String blockingResult3 =



The main need in blocking getting of the result, using reactive programming, arises at Unit testing implementation. Since the main popular frameworks for unit testing (JUnit, TestNG, etc.) use the usual thread (blocking) programming model.

5. Base Model

Java applications use java.lang.Object.toString() method very often for debug purposes. Thus a developer must override this method for all model classes in his(her) project.

To help with overriding of this method for all model classes the RxMicro framework introduces the BaseModel class. This class uses the reflection to generate string representation of the model class on fly.

public class CustomModel extends BaseModel {

    String string;

    Integer integer;


    //toString method not necessary!

The reflection mechanism is slow one, so use the generated string representation of the model class only for debug purposes!

According to JPMS requirements all reflection access must be configured at the module-info.java descriptor using exports or opens` instructions. It means that for correct usage the BaseModel feature, it is necessary to add the following instruction:

opens io.rxmicro.examples.base.model.model.package4 to

where io.rxmicro.examples.base.model.model.package4 is the package that contains custom model classes.

But the BaseModel feature is designed for debug purposes, so required exports or opens instructions are added automatically via generated $$EnvironmentCustomizer class if You do not add these instructions manually! So You can use the BaseModel feature without any module-info.java modifications for Your project!

6. Strings Formatting

While developing a software product it is necessary to format strings.

For this purpose, Java provides different approaches:

Mono<? extends Result> executeQuery(final Connection connection,
                                    final Long id) {
    final String sql = "SELECT * FROM account WHERE id = $1"; (1)
    SLF4J_LOGGER.info("SQL: {}", sql); (2)
    return Mono.from(connection.createStatement(sql)
            .bind(0, id)
            .onErrorResume(e -> Mono.error(
                    new IllegalArgumentException(
                                    "SQL '%s' contains syntax error: %s", sql, e.getMessage() (3)
1 To generate an SQL query, You need to use $1 placeholder.
(This placeholder depends on the used R2DBC driver. For postgresql, it’s a $1 symbol.)
2 To generate a logging message, You need to use {} placeholder.
(This placeholder depends on the logging library used. For SLF4J, it’s a {} symbol.)
3 To generate an error message, You need to use %s placeholder from a separate utility class, for example String.format.

While writing the code, a developer can easily confuse the required placeholder.

To avoid such a problem, the RxMicro framework recommends using the universal ? placeholder

Mono<? extends Result> executeQuery(final Connection connection,
                                    final Long id) {
    final String sql = "SELECT * FROM account WHERE id = ?"; (1)
    RX_MICRO_LOGGER.info("SQL: ?", sql); (2)
    return Mono.from(connection.createStatement(sql)
            .bind(0, id)
            .onErrorResume(e -> Mono.error(
                    new InvalidStateException(
                            "SQL '?' contains syntax error: ?", sql, e.getMessage()) (3)
1 To generate an SQL query, You need to use ? placeholder.
2 To generate a logging message, You need to use ? placeholder.
3 To generate an error message, You need to use ? placeholder.

7. Encapsulation

When designing Java request and response models, there is a need to protect data from unauthorized modification.

7.1. A private Modifier Usage

The standard solution to this problem in Java is using the private modifier:

final class Response {

    private final String message; (1)

    Response(final String message) {
        this.message = requireNonNull(message);
1 By declaring the message field as private, the developer allows access to this field only from inside the class.

To violate encapsulation principles when necessary, Java provides powerful reflection mechanism.

The RxMicro framework is aware of this mechanism, so when generating a converter, the framework uses it:

import static rxmicro.$$Reflections.getFieldValue; (1)

public final class $$ResponseModelToJsonConverter extends ModelToJsonConverter<Response> {

    public Map<String, Object> toJsonObject(final Response model) {
        final JsonObjectBuilder builder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
        putValuesToBuilder(model, builder);
        return builder.build();

    public void putValuesToBuilder(final Response model,
                                   final JsonObjectBuilder builder) {
        builder.put("message", getFieldValue(model, "message")); (2)
1 Static import of method that allows reading field value with reflection.
2 Reading the value of the message field from the response model.

Using reflection when converting from Java model to JSON model while processing each request can reduce microservice performance, where this problem can be avoided. Therefore, when compiling this class, the RxMicro Annotation Processor generates a warning message:

[WARNING] Response.java:[27,26] PERFORMANCE WARNING: To read a value from io.rxmicro.example.hello.world.Response.message rxmicro will use the reflection.
It is recommended to add a getter or change the field modifier: from private to default, protected or public.

If the RX_MICRO_STRICT_MODE is set, the RxMicro Annotation Processor throws a compilation error instead of showing the PERFORMANCE WARNING.

By default the reflection usage for model classes is not allowed for strict mode!

7.2. A Separate Package Usage

The best and recommended solution to this problem is to create a separate package (e.g. model) and declare all fields of the model classes without any access modifier (i.e. default/package). Under this approach, fields can be accessed only from classes of the same package. And the package contains only classes of models without any business logic:

model package
Figure 4. Recommended structure to support encapsulation in Java models.

Using model class fields without any access modifier (i.e. default/package) allows You to generate a converter that can read or write a value using direct access to the field by . operator.

7.3. A getters Usage

If the simplest logic is required when reading a value from a model field, You can use getter.

To do this, declare the field as private and add getter:

public final class Response {

    private final String message;

    public Response(final String message) {
        this.message = requireNonNull(message);

    public String getMessage() {
        if (message.isEmpty()) {
            return "<Empty>";
        } else {
            return message;

In this case, getter will be used in the generated converter to get the result:

public final class $$ResponseModelToJsonConverter extends ModelToJsonConverter<Response> {

    public Map<String, Object> toJsonObject(final Response model) {
        final JsonObjectBuilder builder = new JsonObjectBuilder();
        putValuesToBuilder(model, builder);
        return builder.build();

    public void putValuesToBuilder(final Response model,
                                   final JsonObjectBuilder builder) {
        builder.put("message", model.getMessage()); (1)
1 getter invoking to get the value of the response model field.

7.4. Performance Comparison

Performance test source code:

@Warmup(iterations = 5)
@Measurement(iterations = 5)
@Fork(value = 2, jvmArgsAppend = "-server")
public class ReadWriteFieldBenchmark {

    private final CustomClass customClass = new CustomClass("text");

    private final Map<Class<?>, Map<String, Field>> cache = new HashMap<>();

    public ReadWriteFieldBenchmark() {
        try {
            final Field field = CustomClass.class.getDeclaredField("value");
            if (!field.canAccess(customClass)) {
            cache.put(CustomClass.class, new HashMap<>(Map.of("value", field)));
        } catch (final NoSuchFieldException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public void readDirectField() {
        var v = customClass.value;

    public void writeDirectField() {
        customClass.value = "string";

    public void readUsingGetter() {
        var v = customClass.getValue();

    public void writeUsingSetter() {

    @Benchmark // read field value using reflection with field search at the cache
    public void readUsingReflection() throws IllegalAccessException {
        var v = cache.get(CustomClass.class).get("value").get(customClass);

    @Benchmark // write field value using reflection with field search at the cache
    public void writeUsingReflection() throws IllegalAccessException {
        cache.get(CustomClass.class).get("value").set(customClass, "string");

Performance test results:

Benchmark                                       Mode  Cnt       Score       Error   Units
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.readDirectField         thrpt   10  753348.188 ± 90286.947  ops/ms
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.readUsingGetter         thrpt   10  764112.155 ± 94525.371  ops/ms
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.readUsingReflection     thrpt   10   26241.478 ±  3838.172  ops/ms
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.writeDirectField        thrpt   10  344623.904 ± 18961.759  ops/ms
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.writeUsingReflection    thrpt   10   19430.735 ±  2135.813  ops/ms
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.writeUsingSetter        thrpt   10  323596.205 ± 28416.707  ops/ms
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.readDirectField          avgt   10      ≈ 10⁻⁶               ms/op
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.readUsingGetter          avgt   10      ≈ 10⁻⁶               ms/op
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.readUsingReflection      avgt   10      ≈ 10⁻⁴               ms/op
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.writeDirectField         avgt   10      ≈ 10⁻⁶               ms/op
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.writeUsingReflection     avgt   10      ≈ 10⁻⁴               ms/op
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.writeUsingSetter         avgt   10      ≈ 10⁻⁶               ms/op
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.readDirectField            ss   10       0.001 ±     0.001   ms/op
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.readUsingGetter            ss   10       0.001 ±     0.001   ms/op
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.readUsingReflection        ss   10       0.008 ±     0.005   ms/op
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.writeDirectField           ss   10       0.002 ±     0.001   ms/op
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.writeUsingReflection       ss   10       0.011 ±     0.008   ms/op
ReadWriteFieldBenchmark.writeUsingSetter           ss   10       0.001 ±     0.001   ms/op

Test results show that reading/writing by a direct reference or via getter/setter is performed 28/17 times faster, than when using reflection!

7.5. Approach Selection Recommendations

Thus, the RxMicro framework uses the following algorithm to read (write) from the fields of the Java model:

  1. If the field is declared with public, protected or default/package modifiers, the generated converter uses direct access to the field using the . operator;

  2. If the field is declared with the private modifier and the developer created getter/setter, the generated converter uses the getter/setter invocation to get or write the field value;

  3. If the field is declared with the private modifier without getter/setter declaration, the generated converter uses reflection to access the model field.
    (When generating this type of converter the RxMicro Annotation Processor informs the developer about PERFORMANCE WARNING.)

To benefit from the encapsulation advantages when designing microservices via the RxMicro framework, follow the recommendations:

When creating request and response models, use a separate package and default/package access modifier!

If the simplest logic of reading (writing) the value of the model field is required, use getter (setter) and private field access modifier.

Do not use the private modifier to access the model field without getter (setter)!
This approach offers no benefits!

If the RX_MICRO_STRICT_MODE is set, the RxMicro Annotation Processor throws a compilation error instead of showing the PERFORMANCE WARNING.

By default the reflection usage for model classes is not allowed for strict mode!

8. Configuration

The RxMicro framework provides the rxmicro.config module for flexible configuration of microservices to any environment. This module provides the following features:

  • Support for different types of configuration sources: files, classpath resources, environment variables, command line arguments, etc.;

  • Inheritance and redefinition of settings from different configuration sources;

  • Changing the order in which the configuration sources are read;

  • Configuration using annotations and Java classes.

8.1. Basic Structure of the Config Module

Each class that extends the Config abstract class is a configuration class.

Each configuration class defines its own namespace. Each namespace clearly defines the corresponding configuration class. The namespace is necessary to set the settings of the configuration class fields in text form. (Further details will be described below.)

To work with configurations, the RxMicro framework provides the Configs configuration manager.

To read the current settings, You must use the Configs.getConfig(Class<T>) method:

public final class ReadConfigMicroService {

    void readHttpServerPort() {
        final HttpServerConfig config = getConfig(HttpServerConfig.class); (1)
        System.out.println("HTTP server port: " + config.getPort());

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
1 Getting the current HTTP server configuration using the Configs.getConfig static method.

To change the standard configuration settings, You must use the Configs.Builder class:

public final class CustomizeConfigMicroService {

    void test() {
        // do something

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        new Configs.Builder()
                .withConfigs(new HttpServerConfig()
                        .setPort(9090)) (1)
                .build(); (2)
        startRestServer(CustomizeConfigMicroService.class); (3)
1 Setting the HTTP server custom port.
2 Creating the configuration manager object.
3 REST-based microservice should be started after configuration manager settings, otherwise changes will not take effect.

Each subsequent invocation of the Configs.Builder.build() method overrides all configuration manager settings. (In any microservice project there is only one configuration manager object!)

It means that if the developer creates several Configs.Builder instances, it will be the last invocation of the build method that matters, the others will be ignored.

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

Settings customization via the Configs.Builder.build() is one of the types of configuration. This type of configuration is called configuration using Java classes.

8.2. Configuration Types

The RxMicro framework supports the following configuration types:

  1. Configuration using classpath resources.

  2. Configuration using properties files.

  3. Configuration using environment variables.

  4. Configuration using Java system properties.

  5. Configuration using Java classes.

  6. Configuration using Java annotations.

  7. Configuration using command line arguments.

8.2.1. Configuration Using classpath Resources.

The RxMicro framework supports shared and separate classpath resources for the external configuration in relation to the microservice source code.

The only supported classpath resource format is the properties file format. Configuration Using Separate classpath Resource.

If the classpath of the current project contains the http-server.properties resource with the following content:

port=9090 (1)
1 Custom port for HTTP server.

then the RxMicro framework when reading the HttpServerConfig class configuration will read this resource:

2020-01-11 12:44:27.518 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at using NETTY transport in 500 millis. (1)
1 The HTTP server has started at the 9090 port instead of the standard 8080 port.

The http-server name is the default namespace for the HttpServerConfig class. That’s why these settings are automatically applied when requesting the HttpServerConfig class configuration.

The default namespace for the configuration class is calculated using the Config.getDefaultNameSpace(Class<? extends Config>) method, Configuration Using Shared classpath Resource.

If the classpath of the current project contains the rxmicro.properties resource with the following content:

http-server.port=9090 (1)
1 Custom port for HTTP server.

then the RxMicro framework when reading the HttpServerConfig class configuration will read this resource:

2020-01-11 12:44:27.518 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at using NETTY transport in 500 millis. (1)
1 The HTTP server has started at the 9090 port instead of the standard 8080 port.

The rxmicro name for the properties file is constant. That’s why when requesting any configuration, the RxMicro framework tries to read the content of this file, if it exists.

The rxmicro name is a named constant: Config.RX_MICRO_CONFIG_FILE_NAME,

Since the rxmicro.properties resource is a shared resource for any configuration, You must specify a namespace when specifying the settings.

That’s why when specifying the HTTP server port, You should specify the http-server prefix in the rxmicro.properties file. (When using the http-server.properties file, there was no such need!)

That means


instead of


8.2.2. Configuration Using properties Files.

Similar to classpath resources, the RxMicro framework also supports shared and separate properties files for the external configuration in relation to the microservice source code.

Configuration files can be located:

  • in the current directory in relation to the microservice;

  • in the $HOME directory:

    • for Linux platform the $HOME directory is /home/$USERNAME;

    • for MacOS platform the $HOME directory is /Users/$USERNAME;

    • for Windows platform the $HOME directory is C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME% or C:\Users\%USERNAME%.

  • in the default rxmicro config directory: $HOME/.rxmicro/ (predefined name and location).
    (Using $HOME/.rxmicro/ directory instead of $HOME one allows configuring this directory as docker or kubernetes volume.)

To find out the location of the $HOME directory on Your computer using Java, start the following program:

public final class GetHomeDirectory {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {

By default, the function of searching and reading configuration files is disabled in the RxMicro framework!

To activate this function, You must use the Configs.Builder class:

new Configs.Builder()
        .withAllConfigSources() (1)
1 Activation of all available configuration sources for the current microservice.

Besides activating all available sources, it is possible to activate only configuration files in a given location.

For details on how to do this, go to the Section 8.3.2, “Custom Reading Order of Config Sources.”. Configuration Using Separate properties File.

If the current directory (or $HOME, or $HOME/.rxmicro/) directory contains the http-server.properties file with the following content

port=9090 (1)
1 Custom port for HTTP server.

then the RxMicro framework when reading the HttpServerConfig class configuration will read this file:

2020-01-11 12:44:27.518 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at using NETTY transport in 500 millis. (1)
1 The HTTP server has started at the 9090 port instead of the standard 8080 port.

The http-server name is the default namespace for the HttpServerConfig class. That’s why these settings are automatically applied when requesting the HttpServerConfig class configuration.

The default namespace for the configuration class is calculated using the Config.getDefaultNameSpace(Class<? extends Config>) method, Configuration Using Shared properties File.

If the current directory (or $HOME, or $HOME/.rxmicro/) directory contains the rxmicro.properties file with the following content

http-server.port=9090 (1)
1 Custom port for HTTP server.

then the RxMicro framework when reading the HttpServerConfig class configuration will read this resource:

2020-01-11 12:44:27.518 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at using NETTY transport in 500 millis. (1)
1 The HTTP server has started at the 9090 port instead of the standard 8080 port.

The rxmicro name for the properties file is constant. That’s why when requesting any configuration, the RxMicro framework tries to read the content of this file, if it exists.

The rxmicro name is a named constant: Config.RX_MICRO_CONFIG_FILE_NAME,

Since the rxmicro.properties file is a shared file for any configuration, You must specify a namespace when specifying the settings.

That’s why when specifying the HTTP server port, You should specify the http-server prefix in the rxmicro.properties file. (When using the http-server.properties file, there was no such need!)

That means


instead of


8.2.3. Configuration Using Environment Variables.

When using environment variables, the format of configurations matches the following format:

export ${name-space}.${property-name} = ${value}:

export http-server.port=9090 (1)

java -p ./classes:lib -m examples.quick.start/io.rxmicro.examples.quick.start.HelloWorldMicroService
2020-01-02 18:49:58.372 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at using NETTY transport in 500 millis. (2)
1 Setting the http-server.port environment variable = 9090 (custom port for HTTP server).
2 The HTTP server has started at the 9090 port instead of the standard 8080 port.

Thus, the format of configurations using environment variables corresponds to the format of rxmicro.properties file or classpath resource.

Allowed characters in environment variable names!

These strings have the form name=value; names shall not contain the character '='. For values to be portable across systems conforming to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, the value shall be composed of characters from the portable character set (except NUL and as indicated below).

So names may contain any character except = and NUL, but:

Environment variable names used by the utilities in the Shell and Utilities volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 consist solely of uppercase letters, digits, and the '' (underscore) from the characters defined in Portable Character Set and do not begin with a digit. Other characters may be permitted by an implementation; applications shall tolerate the presence of such names._

So for such restricted environment the RxMicro framework supports the following format for environment variable mapping as well:

export HTTP_SERVER_PORT=9090 (1)

java -p ./classes:lib -m examples.quick.start/io.rxmicro.examples.quick.start.HelloWorldMicroService
2020-01-02 18:49:58.372 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at using NETTY transport in 500 millis. (2)
1 Setting the HTTP_SERVER_PORT environment variable = 9090 (custom port for HTTP server).
2 The HTTP server has started at the 9090 port instead of the standard 8080 port.

Configuring with environment variables is very convenient when using docker containers!

To protect Your secret data, use configuration via properties files instead of environment variables. The config directory with secret config files (for example $HOME/.rxmicro/) must be mount as external volume using tmpfs file system.

If it is necessary to separate environment variables used for the configuration of the RxMicro environment from other environment variables, You must define the standard environment variable with name RX_MICRO_CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_PREFIX!

For example if You runtime contains the following environment variable RX_MICRO_CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_PREFIX=MY_RUNTIME_ than it is necessary to use


instead of

export HTTP_SERVER_PORT=9090

setting for configuring a port for the HTTP server!

8.2.4. Configuration Using Java System Properties

When using the Java System Properties, the format of configurations matches the following format:

${name-space}.${property-name} = ${value}:

java -p ./classes:lib \
    -Dhttp-server.port=9090 \ (1)
    -m examples.quick.start/io.rxmicro.examples.quick.start.HelloWorldMicroService

2020-01-02 18:49:58.372 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at using NETTY transport in 500 millis. (2)
1 Setting the http-server.port Java system variable = 9090 (custom port for HTTP server).
2 The HTTP server has started at the 9090 port instead of the standard 8080 port.

Thus, the format of configurations using Java system variables corresponds to the format of configuration using environment variables, and also to the format of rxmicro.properties file or classpath resource.

8.2.5. Configuration Using Java Classes.

Configuring with Java classes is the easiest and most explicit configuration method:

public static void main(final String[] args) {
    new Configs.Builder()
            .withConfigs(new HttpServerConfig()
                    .setPort(9090)) (1)
1 Changing the HTTP server port.
2020-01-02 18:49:58.372 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at using NETTY transport in 500 millis. (1)
1 The HTTP server has started at the 9090 port instead of the standard 8080 port.

The main difference between this type of configuration and the others is that when using Java classes, other configuration sources are always ignored!

Therefore this type is recommended to be used ONLY for test purposes!

(It does not have enough flexibility for the production environment!)

For the production environment, use the configuration with annotations instead of the configuration with Java classes!

8.2.6. Configuration Using Java Annotations.

To override the default value, the RxMicro framework provides the @DefaultConfigValue annotation.

        configClass = HttpServerConfig.class,   (1)
        name = "port",                          (2)
        value = "9090"
        name = "http-server.host",  (3)
        value = "localhost"
module examples.config.annotations { (4)
    requires rxmicro.rest.server.netty;
    requires rxmicro.rest.server.exchange.json;
1 When overriding the configuration value, You must specify the configuration class.
2 If the configuration class is specified, the namespace may not be specified.
(It means the field of the specified configuration class.)
3 If no configuration class is specified, the name must contain a namespace.
(The namespace allows You to clearly define to which configuration class the specified setting belongs.)
4 When configuring a microservice project, the annotation must be specified on the module-info.java descriptor.
(A microservice project may contain several classes of REST controllers, so the common settings are configured using the module-info.java descriptor rather than the REST controller class.)

Please, pay attention when overriding the default value with the annotations!

If You make a mistake when specifying a setting name (this refers to the namespace and field name), no error will occur upon starting! The overridden value will be simply ignored!

By overriding the default values using the module-info.java descriptor, You can start the microservice. While reading the configuration of the HttpServerConfig class, the RxMicro framework reads the default values set with annotations:

2020-01-13 13:09:44.236 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at localhost:9090 using NETTY transport in 500 millis. (1)
1 HTTP server started on localhost:9090

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

The main difference between configuring with annotations and configuring with Java classes is support of the settings inheritance and overriding.

In other words, when using configuration via annotations, the RxMicro framework can also read other configuration sources.

When using configuration via Java classes, other configuration sources are always ignored.

For the test environment only, the RxMicro framework provides special @WithConfig annotation. Using this annotation it is convenient to configure the configuration manager for the test environment:

private static final HttpServerConfig SERVER_CONFIG =
        new HttpServerConfig()

The source code of the project using the @WithConfig annotation is available at the following link:

@DefaultConfigValue annotation can be applied to override primitive values only:

  • strings,

  • booleans,

  • numbers,

  • dates,

  • times,

  • enums.

If You need to override a complex value, it is necessary to use @DefaultConfigValueSupplier annotation instead.

The source code of the project using the @DefaultConfigValueSupplier annotation is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

8.2.7. Configuration Using Command Line Arguments.

To override configs You can use command line arguments.

This type of configuration has the highest priority and overrides all other types. (Except of configuration using Java classes.)

Configuration using command line arguments is disabled by default.

To enable it is necessary to configure the Configs configuration manager:

public static void main(final String[] args) {
    new Configs.Builder()
            .withCommandLineArguments(args) (1)
1 Use withCommandLineArguments(args) method to enable the configuration using command line arguments.

For example, If You want to start HTTP server at 9191 port, You can pass the following command line argument:

java -p ./classes:lib -m examples.quick.start/io.rxmicro.examples.quick.start.HelloWorldMicroService http-server.port=9191


2020-01-02 18:49:58.372 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at 9191 using NETTY transport in 500 millis.

8.3. Config Sources Setting

The RxMicro framework allows You to customize the order in which the configuration sources are read.

With this feature, the RxMicro framework automatically supports inheritance and redefinition of launch configurations.

8.3.1. Default Reading Order of Config Sources.

By default, the RxMicro framework reads configuration sources in the following order:

  • Configuration using @DefaultConfigValue annotations;

  • Configuration using the rxmicro.properties classpath resource;

  • Configuration using the separate (${name-space}.properties) classpath resource;

  • Configuration using environment variables;

  • Configuration using Java system variables;

Thus, if there are two classpath resources for a microservice:

The rxmicro.properties resource with the following content:


and the http-server.properties resource with the following content:


then the result will be as follows:

2020-01-11 16:52:26.797 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at localhost:9876 using NETTY transport in 500 millis. (1)
1 HTTP server has started at localhost:9876.

The configuration reading algorithm for the above example is as follows:

  1. By default, the HTTP server should start at

  2. But in the rxmicro.properties classpath resource there is a different IP address and port: localhost:9090.

  3. If the http-server.properties classpath resource had not existed, the HTTP server would have run at localhost:9090.

  4. But in the http-server.properties classpath resource it is specified the 9876 port.

  5. Therefore, when starting, the IP address is inherited from the rxmicro.properties resource and the overridden port value is read from the http-server.properties resource.
    (This behavior corresponds to the order of reading the default configurations.)

8.3.2. Custom Reading Order of Config Sources.

To change the order of the configuration reading it is necessary to use the Configs.Builder.withOrderedConfigSources(ConfigSource…​) method:

public static void main(final String[] args) {
    new Configs.Builder()
                    SEPARATE_CLASS_PATH_RESOURCE, (1)
                    RXMICRO_CLASS_PATH_RESOURCE   (2)
1 First, it is necessary to read the configuration from the ${name-space}.properties classpath resource (In our case, it’s a http-server.properties)
2 and then from the rxmicro.properties classpath resource.

Thus, the order of the configuration reading from classpath resources has been changed in comparison with the default order.

When starting the microservice, the settings from the http-server.properties classpath resource will be overwritten by the settings from the rxmicro.properties classpath resource:

2020-01-11 16:52:26.797 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at localhost:9090 using NETTY transport in 500 millis. (1)
1 HTTP server has started at localhost:9090.

The Configs.Builder.withOrderedConfigSources(ConfigSource…​) method allows not only to change the order of reading the configuration sources, but also to activate/deactivate the sources.

In the above example, the RxMicro framework will ignore any configuration sources except classpath resources!

The RxMicro framework also provides other additional methods:

The Configs.Builder.withAllConfigSources() method was used to activate the reading of configurations from properties files in the Section 8.2.2, “Configuration Using properties Files.” subsection.

If You plan to use only properties files, it is recommended to specify only these types, excluding all other types:

public static void main(final String[] args) {
    new Configs.Builder()
                    RXMICRO_FILE_AT_THE_HOME_DIR,    (1)
                    RXMICRO_FILE_AT_THE_CURRENT_DIR, (2)
                    SEPARATE_FILE_AT_THE_HOME_DIR,   (3)
                    SEPARATE_FILE_AT_THE_CURRENT_DIR (4)
1 Activation of configuration reading from the $HOME/rxmicro.properties file.
2 Activation of configuration reading from the rxmicro.properties file in the current directory.
3 Activation of configuration reading from the $HOME/${name-space}.properties files (for example, http-server.properties).
4 ctivation of configuration reading from the ${name-space}.properties files (for example, http-server.properties) in the current directory.

The order of reading is set by the argument order of the Configs.Builder.withOrderedConfigSources(ConfigSource…​) method

If You know exactly which configuration sources should be used by the microservice, ALWAYS specify them explicitly!

With this approach, at the microservice starting, the RxMicro framework won’t try to search for non-existent sources, spending precious microseconds!

8.3.3. Logging the Config Reading Process

To debug the configuration reading process You can activate the logger:

io.rxmicro.config.level=DEBUG (1)
1 For all classes and subpackages of the io.rxmicro.config package activate the DEBUG(FINE) logging level.

After activating the logger, the start of the microservice with default settings will be as follows:


[DEBUG] Classpath resource not found: rest-server.properties

[DEBUG] All properties discovered for 'rest-server' namespace (1)


[DEBUG] Discovered properties from 'rxmicro.properties' classpath resource: [http-server.port=9090, http-server.host=localhost] (2)

[DEBUG] Discovered properties from 'http-server.properties' classpath resource: [port=9876] (3)

[DEBUG] All properties discovered for 'http-server' namespace


[DEBUG] Classpath resource not found: netty-rest-server.properties

[DEBUG] All properties discovered for 'netty-rest-server' namespace (4)

[INFO] Server started at using NETTY transport in 500 millis. (5)
1 There is no configuration customization for the rest-server namespace, so the default configuration will be used.
2 Configuration reading for the http-server namespace from the rxmicro.properties classpath resource (Read values: http-server.port=9090, http-server.host=localhost).
3 Configuration reading for the http-server namespace from the http-server.properties classpath resource (Read value: port=9876).
4 There is no configuration customization for the netty-rest-server namespace, so the default configuration will be used.
5 HTTP server has started at localhost:9876.

Additional debugging information will show the order of reading the configuration sources and overriding the configuration parameter values!

8.4. Dynamic Configuration

If Your runtime environment can contain dynamic properties You can use AsMapConfig configuration:

public final class DynamicAsMapConfig extends AsMapConfig {

If the rxmicro.properties classpath resource with the following content exists:


then the following code will return configured dynamic parameters:

public static void main(final String[] args) {
    final DynamicAsMapConfig config = getConfig(DynamicAsMapConfig.class);


8.5. User Defined Configurations

The developer can use the configuration module for custom configurations.

To do this, it is necessary to create a separate class:

public final class BusinessServiceConfig extends Config {

    private boolean production = true;

    public boolean isProduction() {
        return production;

    public BusinessServiceConfig setProduction(final boolean production) {
        this.production = production;
        return this;

The custom configuration class must meet the following requirements:

  1. The class must be public.

  2. The class must contain a public constructor without parameters.

  3. The class must extend the Config abstract class.

  4. To set property values, the class must contain setters.
    (Only those fields that contain setters can be initialized!)

Since this class will be created and initialized by the reflection util classes from rxmicro.reflection module automatically, it is necessary to export the package of the custom config class to this module in the module-info.java descriptor.
(These are the JPMS requirements.)

module examples.config.custom {
    requires rxmicro.rest.server.netty;
    requires rxmicro.rest.server.exchange.json;

    exports io.rxmicro.examples.config.custom to
            rxmicro.reflection;  (1)
1 Allow the access of reflection util classes from rxmicro.reflection module to config classes from the io.rxmicro.example.config.custom package.

After these changes, a class of custom configurations is available for use:

final class MicroService {

    void test() {
        final BusinessServiceConfig config = getConfig(BusinessServiceConfig.class);
        System.out.println("Production: " + config.isProduction());

The production flag can now be set using any type of configuration, for example using the classpath of the business-service.properties resource:


The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

8.6. Supported Parameter Types

The RxMicro framework supports the primitive, custom and container types, which can be config parameters for any configuration.

8.6.1. Supported Primitive Parameter Types

The RxMicro framework supports the following primitive Java types:

  • ? extends Enum<?>;

  • boolean;

  • java.lang.Boolean;

  • byte;

  • java.lang.Byte;

  • short;

  • java.lang.Short;

  • int;

  • java.lang.Integer;

  • long;

  • java.lang.Long;

  • java.math.BigInteger;

  • float;

  • java.lang.Float;

  • double;

  • java.lang.Double;

  • java.math.BigDecimal;

  • char;

  • java.lang.Character;

  • java.lang.CharSequence;

  • java.lang.String;

  • java.time.Instant;

  • java.time.LocalDate;

  • java.time.LocalDateTime;

  • java.time.LocalTime;

  • java.time.MonthDay;

  • java.time.OffsetDateTime;

  • java.time.OffsetTime;

  • java.time.Year;

  • java.time.YearMonth;

  • java.time.ZonedDateTime;

  • java.time.Duration;

  • java.time.ZoneOffset;

  • java.time.ZoneId;

  • java.time.Period;

  • java.nio.file.Path;

For temporal classes the RxMicro framework uses parse or of factory method to converts string value to the appropriate Java representation.

8.6.2. Supported Custom Parameter Types

The RxMicro framework supports a custom type as valid config parameter type.

For example if Your project contain the following custom type:

public interface CustomType {

    String getValue();

then Your custom config class can use this type as valid config parameter type:

public final class ExampleConfig extends Config {

    private CustomType type = () -> "DEFAULT_CONSTANT";

    public CustomType getType() {
        return type;

    public void setType(final CustomType type) {
        this.type = type;

Instances of the custom type can be created as:

  • Enum constant:

public enum CustomEnum implements CustomType {


    public String getValue() {
        return "ENUM_CONSTANT";
  • Class public static final constant:

public class CustomClass {

    public static final CustomType CLASS_CONSTANT = () -> "CLASS_CONSTANT";
  • Interface constant:

public interface CustomInterface {

  • Annotation constant:

public @interface CustomAnnotation {


To inform the RxMicro framework which instance must be created and injected to config parameter, it is necessary to use the following syntax:


For example if Your environment contains the following Java system properties:


and Your application read configuration for all configured namespaces:

        "Default constant: " +
        "Enum constant: " +
                getConfig("enum-constant", ExampleConfig.class).getType().getValue()
        "Class constant: " +
                getConfig("class-constant", ExampleConfig.class).getType().getValue()
        "Interface constant: " +
                getConfig("interface-constant", ExampleConfig.class).getType().getValue()
        "Annotation constant: " +
                getConfig("annotation-constant", ExampleConfig.class).getType().getValue()

Result will be the following:

Default constant: DEFAULT_CONSTANT
Enum constant: ENUM_CONSTANT
Class constant: CLASS_CONSTANT
Interface constant: INTERFACE_CONSTANT
Annotation constant: ANNOTATION_CONSTANT

For class or interface or annotation constants the RxMicro framework uses the reflection to read value.
So before using this type of custom type instances don’t forget to export packages to rxmicro.reflection module, because this module contains the reflection util class which is used to read this value:

exports io.rxmicro.examples.config.custom.type._class to
exports io.rxmicro.examples.config.custom.type._interface to
exports io.rxmicro.examples.config.custom.type._annotation to

The RxMicro team recommends using an enum for custom type injection to config instances!

8.6.3. Supported Container Parameter Types

The RxMicro framework supports the following container Java types:

  • java.util.List<V>;

  • java.util.Set<V>;

  • java.util.SortedSet<V>;

  • java.util.Map<K, V>;

where K and V can be:

  • java.lang.Boolean;

  • java.lang.Long;

  • java.math.BigDecimal;

  • java.lang.String;


The RxMicro framework uses , character as collection (List, Set, SortedSet, Map.Entry) value delimiter and '=' character as key-value separator:


The RxMicro framework uses reflection to initialize config instances. But container parametrization types are not available for the reflection reading.

Thus the RxMicro framework tries to guess which type must be created using the following algorithm:

  1. Try to convert to java.lang.Boolean type. If failed then goto 2 step.

  2. Try to convert to java.math.BigDecimal type. If failed then goto 3 step.

  3. Try to convert to java.lang.Long type. If failed then goto 4 step.

  4. Try to convert to CUSTOM_TYPE. If failed then goto 5 step.

  5. Return java.lang.String instance.

This means that if You provide a config list with different types, the RxMicro framework create a java.util.List with different types:

For example:


the result will be:

java.util.List.of(new String("red"), new BigDecimal("1.2"), Long.valueOf(4), Boolean.valueOf(true));

and the ClassCastException will be thrown if Your config parameter is not of java.util.List<java.lang.Object> type.

To avoid the ClassCastException use the following recommendation:

  • For boolean lists use java.util.List<java.lang.Boolean> type.

  • For integer number lists use java.util.List<java.lang.Long> type.

  • For decimal number lists use java.util.List<java.math.BigDecimal> type.

  • For string lists use java.util.List<java.lang.String> type.

  • For custom type lists use java.util.List<CUSTOM_TYPE> type.


8.7. Configuration Verifiers

If Your runtime has complex configuration the RxMicro team strong recommends enabling runtime strict mode.

If the runtime strict mode activated the RxMicro runtime invokes additional checks to find unused or redundant configurations.

To enable the runtime strict mode set RX_MICRO_RUNTIME_STRICT_MODE environment variable to the true value! (Instead of environment variable You can use Java System property as well.)

If runtime strict mode successful activated the following log message can be found:

[INFO] RxMicroRuntime !!! RxMicro Runtime Strict Mode is activated !!!

9. Logger

Logger is an integral component of any software system.

The RxMicro framework provides the rxmicro.logger module for logging important events during the work of microservices.

Creation and usage of a logger in the source code is no different from other logging frameworks:

final class MicroService {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MicroService.class); (1)

    void test() {
        LOGGER.info("test message"); (2)
1 Logger creation for the current microservice class.
2 Logging of a message with INFO level.

The Logger interface is an abstraction over the real logger.

At the moment, there is only one implementation of this interface that delegates logging to the java.logging module.

9.1. Logger Configuration

9.1.1. Using Configuration File

The main configuration file of the java.logging logger is the jul.properties classpath resource.

If classpath contains the jul.test.properties resource, then this resource overrides all configurations of the jul.properties resource.

This function allows configuring the logger for a test environment.

The jul.properties classpath resource must contain a configuration in the standard format for the java.logging module.

Example of logger configuration:


The rxmicro.logger module supports all logging levels from the following sets: {OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL} and {OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL}.

Therefore, in the jul.properties configuration file You can use any logging level. When activating the java.logging logger, the RxMicro framework automatically converts levels from a set of {OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL} into {OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, FINE, FINEST, ALL}.

This option makes it possible to use unsupported but widely used in other logging frameworks logging levels for the java.logging logger.

9.1.2. Default Reading Order of Config Sources.

By default, the rxmicro.logger module reads configuration sources in the following order (From the lowest to the highest priority):

  • Default config.

  • Configuration from the jul.properties classpath resource if the resource found.

  • Configuration from the jul.test.properties classpath resource if the resource found.

9.1.3. Using Additional Config Sources for Logging Configuration

Besides jul.properties and jul.test.properties classpath resources the rxmicro.logger module supports the following configuration sources:

  • Configuration using environment variables;

  • Configuration using Java system properties;

  • Configuration using properties file that is located at the following paths:

    • ./jul.properties;

    • $HOME/jul.properties;

    • $HOME/.rxmicro/jul.properties;


  • . - is the current project directory (i.e. System.getProperty("user.dir"));

  • $HOME - is the home directory (i.e. System.getProperty("user.home")):

    • for Linux platform the $HOME directory is /home/$USERNAME;

    • for MacOS platform the $HOME directory is /Users/$USERNAME;

    • for Windows platform the $HOME directory is C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME% or C:\Users\%USERNAME%.

To enable the additional config sources use the LoggerConfigSources class:

static {

private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggerConfigSourceTest.class);

public static void main(final String[] args) {
    LOGGER.info("Hello World!");
1 - The logger config sources must be configured before the first usage of the LoggerFactory, otherwise these config settings will be ignored.

If You know exactly which configuration sources should be used by the microservice, ALWAYS specify them explicitly!

With this approach, at the microservice starting, the RxMicro framework won’t try to search for non-existent sources, spending precious microseconds!

9.1.4. Using Environment Variables And Java System Properties

After activation of the configuration using environment variables and(or) Java system properties, the RxMicro framework parses environment variables and(or) Java system properties.
If Your runtime contains an environment variable and (or) java system property with name that starts with logger. phrase, the rxmicro.logger module interprets it as configuration. For example to enable TRACE logger level for MicroServiceLauncher it is necessary to provide one of the following configurations:

  • Example of the configuration using environment variable:

export logger.io.rxmicro.rest.server.level=TRACE

java -p lib:. -m module/package.MicroServiceLauncher


  • Example of the configuration using Java system property:

java -p lib:. -Dlogger.io.rxmicro.rest.server.level=TRACE -m module/package.MicroServiceLauncher

9.2. Logger Handler

By default the INFO logging level is activated for the all loggers.

All logger events are sent to the SystemConsoleHandler appender, which outputs:

  • Logger events with ERROR level into System.err;

  • Logger events with other levels into System.out.

The rxmicro.logger module follows the logs recommendations, that are defined at The Twelve-Factor App Manifest and logs messages to System.out/System.err only!

If these functions are not enough You can use any other logging framework: Logback, Apache Log4j 2 and others.

P.S. You can use also the FileHandler, SocketHandler, etc that defined at the java.logging module.

If the SystemConsoleHandler appender must output all logging information into System.out or System.err it is necessary to set stream parameter:

  • To enable System.err output for the all log levels use the following configuration:

  • To enable System.out output for the all log levels use the following configuration:


To get more information about the configuration of the SystemConsoleHandler component read javadoc for this component:

9.3. Pattern Formatter

The current version of the rxmicro.logger module is supported only one logger formatter: PatternFormatter with the default configuration:

io.rxmicro.logger.jul.PatternFormatter.pattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%p] %c: %m%n

This class supports conversion specifiers that can be used as format control expressions. Each conversion specifier starts with a percent sign % and is followed by optional format modifiers, a conversion word and optional parameters between braces. The conversion word controls the data field to convert, e.g. logger name or date format.

The PatternFormatter supports the following conversion specifiers:

Table 3. Conversion specifiers supported by the PatternFormatter.
Conversion specifiers Description


Outputs the name of the logger at the origin of the logging event.
This conversion specifier takes a string as its first and only option.
Currently supported only one of the following options: {short}, {0}, {full}.
{short} is synonym for {0} option.
If no option defined this conversion specifier uses {full} option.

The following table describes option usage results:

Conversion specifier Logger name Result














Outputs the fully-qualified class name of the caller issuing the logging request.
This conversion specifier takes a string as its first and only option.
Currently supported only one of the following options: {short}, {0}, {full}.
{short} is synonym for {0} option.
If no option defined this conversion specifier uses {full} option.

The following table describes option usage results:

Conversion specifier Logger name Result













Generating the caller class information is not particularly fast. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is not an issue!

d{pattern, timezone}
date{pattern, timezone}

Used to output the date of the logging event.
The date conversion word admits a pattern string as a parameter.
The pattern syntax is compatible with the format accepted by DateTimeFormatter.
If {@code timezone} is specified, this conversion specifier uses ZoneId.of(String) method to parse it, so timezone syntax must be compatible with zone id format.

The following table describes option usage results:

Conversion specifier Result


2020-01-02 03:04:05.123





%date{, UTC}

2020-01-02 03:04:05.123

If pattern is missing (For example: %d, %date, %date{, UTC}}, the default pattern will be used: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS


Outputs the file name of the Java source file where the logging request was issued.

Generating the file information is not particularly fast. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is not an issue!


Outputs the line number from where the logging request was issued.

Generating the file information is not particularly fast. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is not an issue!


Outputs the application-supplied message associated with the logging event.


Outputs the method name where the logging request was issued.

Generating the method name is not particularly fast. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is not an issue.


Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or characters.

This conversion word offers practically the same performance as using non-portable line separator strings such as \n, or \r\n. Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator.


Outputs the level of the logging event.


Outputs the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the application until the creation of the logging event.


Outputs the name of the thread that generated the logging event.


Outputs the request id if specified.

This specifier displays the request id that retrieved from HTTP request if the request tracing is enabled.

For request tracing feature usage Your code must use the overloaded logger methods with RequestIdSupplier argument:

public interface Logger {

    // ...

    void trace(RequestIdSupplier requestIdSupplier, Object... otherArguments);

    void debug(RequestIdSupplier requestIdSupplier, Object... otherArguments);

    void info(RequestIdSupplier requestIdSupplier, Object... otherArguments);

    void warn(RequestIdSupplier requestIdSupplier, Object... otherArguments);

    void error(RequestIdSupplier requestIdSupplier, Object... otherArguments);

    // ...

9.4. Custom Log Event

The RxMicro framework provides a factory method to build a custom logger event:

private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggerEventBuilderTest.class);

public static void main(final String[] args) {
    final LoggerEventBuilder builder = LoggerFactory.newLoggerEventBuilder();
    builder.setMessage("Hello World!");

A custom logger event can be useful if Your log message depends on some parameter.
For example, the following methods implement the same logic:

public void log1(final Throwable throwable,
                 final boolean withStackTrace) {
    final LoggerEventBuilder builder = LoggerFactory.newLoggerEventBuilder()
            .setMessage("Some error message: ?", throwable.getMessage());
    if (withStackTrace) {

public void log2(final Throwable throwable,
                 final boolean withStackTrace) {
    if (withStackTrace) {
        LOGGER.error(throwable, "Some error message: ?", throwable.getMessage());
    } else {
        LOGGER.error("Some error message: ?", throwable.getMessage());

Besides that a custom logger event allows customizing the following auto detect parameters:

  • Thread id;

  • Thread name;

  • Source class name;

  • Source method name;

  • Source file name;

  • Source line number.

                .setMessage("Some error message")
                .setStackFrame("package.Class", "method", "Test.java", 85)

9.5. Multiline Logs Issue For Docker Environment

By default the docker log driver does not support multiline log data.
It means that if Your microservice prints a stacktrace of any exception to the System.out or System.err each stack trace element will be processed as separate log event.

There are several standard solutions to this problem. The RxMicro framework adds the one of them.

9.5.1. Solution From RxMicro Framework

If Your logger configuration contains the following setting:


than all multiline log events are processed by the RxMicro framework as single line ones:
i.e. the PatternFormatter component replaces '\n' character by the "\\n" string before printing it to the System.out or System.err.
(For Windows platform the "\r\n"" character combination will be replaced by "\\r\\n" string!)

9.5.2. How To View Original Log Events?

To view original logs You can use the sed util:

docker logs microservice-container | sed -e 's/\\n/\n/g'


kubectl logs microservice-pod | sed -e 's/\\n/\n/g'

To view original logs on Your log aggregation tool if fluentd open source data collector is used, it is necessary to add the following filter:

<filter exampleTag>
    @type record_transformer
    enable_ruby true
        # --- Replace "\n" string by '\n' character ---
        log ${record["log"].gsub("\\n", "\n")}

FYI: This filter requires that your log messages are parsed and converted to the json property with log name before invocation of this filter!

10. JSON

JSON is a widely used message exchange format for distributed applications.

The RxMicro framework provides the rxmicro.json module for low-level and efficient work with this format.

Unfortunately JSON format is defined in at least seven different documents:

(Read more at Parsing JSON is a Minefield article).

So the RxMicro framework implementation of JSON parser can be described using the following test suites:

The RxMicro framework uses classes from the rxmicro.json module when automatically converting Java models to JSON format and vice versa.

Therefore, a developer should not explicitly use this module!

However, the common idea about the capabilities of this module is needed for correct test writing!

10.1. A Mapping Between JSON and Java Types

Since this module is used automatically, it is optimized for machine operations. Therefore, this module doesn’t provide separate classes for JSON types. Instead, standard Java classes are used:

Table 4. Mapping table between JSON and Java types.
JSON type Java type


java.util.Map<String, Object>











Table 5. Mapping table between Java and JSON types.
Java type JSON type

java.util.Map<String, Object>










? extends java.lang.Number




Any Java Class


10.2. rxmicro.json Module Usage

To write tests correctly, it is necessary to have a common idea about the rxmicro.json module.

Let’s look at a microservice that returns the result in JSON object format:

final class MicroService {

    CompletionStage<Response> produce() {
        return completedStage(new Response());

The Response class - Java model of HTTP response in JSON format:

public final class Response {

    final Child child = new Child(); (1)

    final List<Integer> values = List.of(25, 50, 75, 100); (2)

    final String string = "text"; (3)

    final Integer integer = 10; (4)

    final BigDecimal decimal = new BigDecimal("0.1234"); (5)

    final Boolean logical = true; (6)
1 Nested JSON object.
2 JSON numeric array.
3 String data type.
4 Integer numeric data type.
5 Floating-point numeric data type.
6 Logical data type.

The Child class - Java model of the nested JSON object:

public final class Child {

    final Integer integer = 20;

For simplicity, each response model field is immediately initialized with test data.

As a result, the microservice returns the following JSON object:

  "child": {
    "integer": 20
  "values": [
  "string": "text",
  "integer": 10,
  "decimal": 0.1234,
  "logical": true

While writing REST-based microservice test or integration test, it is necessary to compare the expected JSON response with the one returned by REST-based microservice. (The response returned by the microservice is available through the ClientHttpResponse.getBody()method):

final class MicroServiceTest {
    void Should_return_Response() {
        final ClientHttpResponse response = httpClient.get("/").join();
        final Object actualBody = response.getBody(); (1)
        // ...
1 The ClientHttpResponse.getBody() method returns the HTTP response body. Since the REST-based microservice returns a JSON object, this method returns the result as the java.util.Map<String, Object> object.

Therefore, to compare JSON objects, You need to create the java.util.Map<String, Object> object containing the expected properties of the JSON object:

final class MicroServiceTest {
    void Should_return_Response() {
        final ClientHttpResponse response = httpClient.get("/").join();
        final Object actualBody = response.getBody(); (1)
        final Object expectedBody = Stream.of(
                Map.entry("child", Map.of(
                        "integer", new io.rxmicro.json.JsonNumber("20")
                Map.entry("values", List.of(
                        new io.rxmicro.json.JsonNumber("25"),
                        new io.rxmicro.json.JsonNumber("50"),
                        new io.rxmicro.json.JsonNumber("75"),
                        new io.rxmicro.json.JsonNumber("100")
                Map.entry("string", "text"),
                Map.entry("integer", new io.rxmicro.json.JsonNumber("10")),
                Map.entry("decimal", new io.rxmicro.json.JsonNumber("0.1234")),
                Map.entry("logical", true)
                (u, v) -> u, LinkedHashMap::new
        )); (2)
        assertEquals(expectedBody, actualBody); (3)
1 A JSON object returned by microservice.
2 Expected JSON object.
3 Comparison of JSON objects using the java.lang.Object.equals() method.

According to the JSON specification, the property order in JSON object is undefined.

Thus, the following JSON objects:

    "firstname" : "David",
    "lastname" : "Smith"


    "lastname" : "Smith",
    "firstname" : "David"

are considered to be the same.

The RxMicro framework always arranges JSON object properties!

Thus, the order of JSON properties always corresponds to the order of fields in the Java model!

This allows You to compare JSON objects in the form of java.util.Map<String, Object> using the java.lang.Object.equals() method.

If Your microservice returns the JSON object with unordered properties, use JsonFactory.orderedJsonObject(Object jsonObject) method to sort properties before comparison!

For convenient creation of the expected JSON object, it is recommended to use the JsonFactory utility class. This class arranges JSON properties and automatically converts all java.lang.Number types into the io.rxmicro.json.JsonNumber type:

final class MicroServiceTest {

    private BlockingHttpClient blockingHttpClient;

    void Should_return_Response() {
        final ClientHttpResponse response = blockingHttpClient.get("/");

        final Object actualBody = response.getBody(); (1)
        final Object expectedBody = jsonObject(
                "child", jsonObject("integer", 20), (4)
                "values", jsonArray(25, 50, 75, 100),   (5)
                "string", "text",
                "integer", 10,
                "decimal", new BigDecimal("0.1234"),
                "logical", true
        ); (2)
        assertEquals(expectedBody, actualBody); (3)
1 A JSON object returned by microservice.
2 Expected JSON object.
3 Comparison of JSON objects using the java.lang.Object.equals() method.
4 To create JSON object, it is recommended to use the JsonFactory.jsonObject method.
5 To create JSON array, it is recommended to use the JsonFactory.jsonArray method.

The ClientHttpResponse interface besides body() method also contains bodyAsBytes() and bodyAsString() ones.

Therefore in the test You can compare JSON objects by comparing their string representation or using a third-party Java library that supports the JSON format. (For example, JSON-java, Java API for JSON Processing, etc.)

Thus, the RxMicro framework recommends using the rxmicro.json module to compare JSON objects, but at the same time provides an opportunity to use any other JSON framework!

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

10.3. Json Wrappers

If you want to work with JSON format using usual Java style, the RxMicro framework provides wrapper classes for JSON object and array:

final class MicroServiceTestWithWrappers {

    private BlockingHttpClient blockingHttpClient;

    static Stream<Function<ClientHttpResponse, JsonObject>> toJsonObjectWrapperConverterProvider() {
        return Stream.of(
                response -> JsonWrappers.toJsonObject(response.getBody()),
                response -> JsonWrappers.readJsonObject(response.getBodyAsString(UTF_8))

    void Should_return_Response(final Function<ClientHttpResponse, JsonObject> converter) {
        final ClientHttpResponse response = blockingHttpClient.get("/");

        final JsonObject actualBody = converter.apply(response);

                new JsonObject()
                        .set("integer", 20),
                new JsonArray()
                new BigDecimal("0.1234"),
1 - To convert a internal view of JSON object to the JSON wrapper use JsonWrappers.toJsonObject method.
2 - To convert a string view of JSON object to the JSON wrapper use JsonWrappers.readJsonObject method.

11. Native Transports

The RxMicro framework uses Netty to perform asynchronous non-blocking IO operations. To increase productivity, Netty allows the use of native transports.

To enable native transports feature, add one of the following dependencies:

  • The rxmicro-netty-native-linux dependency adds the netty-transport-native-epoll artifact;

  • The rxmicro-netty-native-osx dependency adds the netty-transport-native-kqueue artifact;

  • The rxmicro-netty-native dependency activates native transports for the current platform:

    • in case of the Linux current platform, the netty-transport-native-epoll artifact is added;

    • in case of the MacOS current platform, the netty-transport-native-kqueue artifact is added;

    • otherwise native transports is not activated for the current platform;

  • the rxmicro-netty-native-all dependency adds the netty-transport-native-epoll and netty-transport-native-kqueue artifacts.

Adding a dependency to the microservice project:


instead of


allows using the Netty native transports library version compatible with all other Netty libraries used by the RxMicro framework.

Therefore, the rxmicro-netty-native-…​ modules don’t contain any logic. They just add Netty native transports libraries of the correct version.

If native transports has been successfully activated, the information message about the start of the HTTP server will display the corresponding type of transport.

2020-02-02 20:14:11.707 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at using EPOLL transport in 500 millis. (1)
1 The using EPOLL transport message format means that Netty will use the netty-transport-native-epoll library.
2020-02-02 20:14:11.707 [INFO] io.rxmicro.rest.server.netty.internal.component.NettyServer :
Server started at using KQUEUE transport in 500 millis. (1)
1 The using KQUEUE transport message format means that Netty will use the netty-transport-native-kqueue library.

Quick Start


REST Controller