REST-based Microservice Documentation


Mongo Data Repositories

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The RxMicro framework supports creation of dynamic repositories for interaction with databases.

To interact with PostgreSQL DB, using the reactive R2DBC PostgreSQL driver, the RxMicro framework provides the module.

1. Basic Usage

To use the module in the project, the following two steps must be taken:

  • Inject the dependency to the pom.xml file:

  • Add the module to the descriptor:

module {

By default, the reactive R2DBC PostgreSQL driver uses the Project Reactor library, so when adding the module, the reactor.core module is automatically added and available for usage!

After adding the module, You can create a data model class and dynamic repository:

public final class Account {

    @Column(length = Column.UNLIMITED_LENGTH)
    String firstName;

    @Column(length = Column.UNLIMITED_LENGTH)
    String lastName;

    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName;

    public String getLastName() {
        return lastName;
1 The @ColumnMappingStrategy annotation sets the strategy of forming column names of the relational database table based on the analysis of the Java model class field names.
(Thus, the firstName field corresponds to the first_name column, and the lastName field corresponds to the last_name column.)
public interface DataRepository {

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE email = ?")
    Mono<Account> findByEmail(String email);
1 In order for a standard interface to be recognized by the RxMicro framework as a dynamic repository for interaction with PostgreSQL DB, this interface should be annotated by @PostgreSQLRepository annotation.
2 The dynamic repository may contain methods that form a query to the PostgreSQL DB.
(The query that used for a request for data uses the SQL and is specified in the annotation parameters.)

Since the dynamic repository is a RxMicro component, for its testing You need to use the microservice component testing approach:

The common approach recommended for testing dynamic repositories, that interact with PostgreSQL DB, is described in the Section 3.2, “Test Templates”.

final class DataRepositoryTest {

    private final GenericContainer<?> postgresqlTestDb =
            new GenericContainer<>("rxmicro/postgres-test-db")

    private final PostgreSQLConfig config = new PostgreSQLConfig()

    private DataRepository dataRepository;

    void beforeEach() {

    void Should_find_account() {
        final Account account = requireNonNull(

        assertEquals("Richard", account.getFirstName());
        assertEquals("Hendricks", account.getLastName());

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

2. RxMicro Annotations

The RxMicro framework supports the following RxMicro Annotations:

Table 1. Supported RxMicro Annotations.
Annotation Description


Sets mapping between the column name in the PostgreSQL DB table and the Java model class field name.

(By default, the RxMicro framework uses the Java model class field name as the column name in the PostgreSQL DB table. If the name should differ for some reason, (for example, as a column name in the PostgreSQL DB table the keyword Java is used), it should be specified using this annotation!)

Required length parameter must contain the max character count that can be stored to table column. If actual length will be more that expected length, value will be trimmed automatically.

The nullable parameter does not disable any validation. It used as the descriptive characteristic only.


Sets the strategy of column name formation in the PostgreSQL DB table, based on the analysis of the Java model class field names.

(If this annotation annotates the Java model class, then the set strategy will be used for all fields in this class. For example, if You set the default LOWERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORED strategy, then the parentId field in the Java class will correspond to the parent_id column in the PostgreSQL DB table.)


Allows You to configure the repository generation process.


Allows setting mapping between one method parameter marked with this annotation and several universal placeholders that are used in the query to PostgreSQL DB.


Denotes a repository method that must execute a SELECT SQL operation


Denotes a string parameter of repository method, the value of that must be used as custom SELECT.


Denotes a repository method that must execute a INSERT SQL operation


Denotes a repository method that must execute a UPDATE SQL operation


Denotes a repository method that must execute a DELETE SQL operation


Enables validation for updated rows count during DML operation, like Insert, Update and Delete operations.

If current database has invalid state the InvalidDatabaseStateException will be thrown!


Denotes a model field, the value of that ignored during INSERT SQL operation.


Denotes a model field, the value of that ignored during UPDATE SQL operation.


Denotes a model field that must be used as primary key.


Denotes a schema of a database table.


Denotes a sequence that must be used to get the next unique value for model field.


Denotes a table name for entity.


Denotes a db type name for enum.


Denotes a storage with the values of the predefined variables.


Denotes that an interface is a dynamic generated PostgreSQL data repository.


Denotes an abstract class that contains a partial implementation of the annotated by this annotation a PostgreSQL Data Repository interface.

3. Repositories Testing

For successful functional testing of dynamic repositories, that interact with PostgreSQL DB, it is required:

  • Presence of a script that creates a test database.

  • Mechanism for preparing a database for testing: creating a database before starting the test and deleting a database after completing the test.

3.1. Test Database

A test database was created for testing the module features, which are described in this section.

The test database contains three tables: account, product and order:

rxmicro test db er diagram
Figure 1. ER-Diagram for Test Database

SQL scripts for creating a test database are available at the following link:

The following classes of Java models correspond to the tables created in the test database:

public final class Account {

    Long id;

    @Column(length = Column.UNLIMITED_LENGTH)
    String email;

    @Column(length = Column.UNLIMITED_LENGTH)
    String firstName;

    @Column(length = Column.UNLIMITED_LENGTH)
    String lastName;

    BigDecimal balance;

    Role role;
public final class Order {

    Long id;

    Long idAccount;

    Integer idProduct;

    Integer count;

    Instant created;
public final class Product {

    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerated = false)
    Integer id;

    @Column(length = Column.UNLIMITED_LENGTH)
    String name;

    BigDecimal price;

    Integer count;
public enum Role {




For ease of studying the module, You can use the ready-made PostgreSQL DB image with the rxmicro/postgres-test-db test database.

The source code of the project used as a base for building this docker image, is available at the following link:

3.2. Test Templates

As a mechanism for preparing a database for testing (creating a database before starting the test and deleting a database after completing the test), it is most convenient to use docker.

To start docker containers in the functional test it is convenient to use the Testcontainers Java library:

final class DataRepositoryTestTemplate1 {

    private static final GenericContainer<?> POSTGRESQL_TEST_DB =
            new GenericContainer<>("rxmicro/postgres-test-db")
                    .withExposedPorts(5432); (4)

    private static final PostgreSQLConfig CONFIG = new PostgreSQLConfig()
            .setPassword("password"); (6)

    static void beforeAll() {
        POSTGRESQL_TEST_DB.start(); (7)
                .setHost(POSTGRESQL_TEST_DB.getHost()) (8)

    private DataRepository dataRepository; (9)

    // ... test methods must be here

    static void afterAll() {
        POSTGRESQL_TEST_DB.stop(); (10)
1 The @Testcontainers annotation activates the start and stop of the docker containers to be used in this test.
2 Since the dynamic repository is a RxMicro component, for its testing You need to use the microservice component testing approach.
3 The @Container annotation indicates the docker container that will be used in this test. As an image on the basis of which it is necessary to create the docker container, the PostgreSQL DB ready-made image with the rxmicro/postgres-test-db test database is used.
4 When starting the docker container, You need to open the standard port for PostgreSQL DB.
5 Using the @WithConfig annotation, the configuration available only during the test is declared.
6 Setting up the configuration to interact with the test database.
7 Before running all tests, You must start the docker container.
8 After starting the docker container, You need to read the random IP address and port that will be used when connecting to the running docker container.
9 When testing microservice components, it is necessary to specify a reference to the component in which the RxMicro framework will inject the tested component.
10 After completing all the tests, You must stop the docker container.

The main advantage of this template is the speed of testing. Since the docker container is created once before starting all test methods, the total runtime of all test methods is reduced. The main disadvantage of this template is that if any test method changes the PostgreSQL DB state, the following test method may end with an error.

Therefore, this functional test template should be used for queries to PostgreSQL DB that do not change the database state!

If You need to test methods that change the PostgreSQL DB state, You should use another template:

final class DataRepositoryTestTemplate2 {

    private final GenericContainer<?> postgresqlTestDb =
            new GenericContainer<>("rxmicro/postgres-test-db")
                    .withExposedPorts(5432); (4)

    private final PostgreSQLConfig config = new PostgreSQLConfig()
            .setPassword("password"); (6)

    private DataRepository dataRepository; (7)

    void beforeEach() {
                .setHost(postgresqlTestDb.getHost()) (8)

    // ... test methods must be here
1 The @Testcontainers annotation activates the start and stop of the docker containers to be used in this test.
2 Since the dynamic repository is a RxMicro component, for its testing You need to use the microservice component testing approach
3 The @Container annotation indicates the docker container that will be used in this test. As an image on the basis of which it is necessary to create the docker container, the PostgreSQL DB ready-made image with the rxmicro/postgres-test-db test database is used.
4 When starting the docker container, You need to open the standard port for PostgreSQL DB.
5 Using the @WithConfig annotation, the configuration available only during the test is declared.
6 Setting up the configuration to interact with the test database.
7 When testing microservice components, it is necessary to specify a reference to the component in which the RxMicro framework will inject the tested component.
8 After starting the docker container, You need to read the random IP address and port that will be used when connecting to the running docker container.

This template for each test method will create and drop the docker container, which may increase the total runtime of all test methods.

Therefore, select the most appropriate functional test template based on the requirements of the tested functionality!

The Testcontainers library starts the docker container before running the test and stops the docker container automatically after completing the test!

So You should start and stop the docker container manually only if You want to use one docker container for all test methods!

4. DataBase Models

The RxMicro framework supports the following database model types:

4.1. Primitives

A primitive is a supported Java type that can be mapped to database table column.

The module supports the following primitive type:

  • ? extends Enum<?>;

  • java.lang.Boolean;

  • java.lang.Byte;

  • java.lang.Short;

  • java.lang.Integer;

  • java.lang.Long;

  • java.math.BigInteger;

  • java.lang.Float;

  • java.lang.Double;

  • java.math.BigDecimal;

  • java.lang.Character;

  • java.lang.String;

  • java.time.Instant;

  • java.time.LocalTime;

  • java.time.LocalDate;

  • java.time.LocalDateTime;

  • java.time.OffsetDateTime;

  • java.time.ZonedDateTime;


  • java.util.UUID;

For floating point numbers, it is suggested to use the java.math.BigDecimal type instead of java.lang.Float or java.lang.Double.

Using the java.math.BigDecimal allows excluding errors of decimal number notation. This is particularly important if the decimal number is used to represent currency-related data!

4.2. Entities

An entity is a composition of primitives only.

For example:

public final class Account {

    Long id;

    @Column(length = Column.UNLIMITED_LENGTH)
    String email;

    @Column(length = Column.UNLIMITED_LENGTH)
    String firstName;

    @Column(length = Column.UNLIMITED_LENGTH)
    String lastName;

    BigDecimal balance;

    Role role;

5. Universal Placeholder

The RxMicro framework recommends using the universal placeholder (?) as parameter value placeholder in the SQL queries:

@Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE email=?")
Mono<Account> findByEmail(String email);

If this method invoked with the following parameter:

the RxMicro framework will generate the following PostgreSQL DB query:
SELECT * FROM account WHERE email=''.

6. @RepeatParameter Annotation

The universal placeholder (?) is the simplest type of placeholders.

But unfortunately, it has one disadvantage: if a query parameter must be repeated, a developer must define a copy of this parameter:

@Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE firstName=? OR lastName=?")
Mono<Account> findByFirstOrLastNames(String name1, String name2);

The @RepeatParameter annotation fixes this disadvantage.

The following code is an equivalent to the code with a copy of the name parameter:

@Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE firstName=? OR lastName=?")
Mono<Account> findByFirstOrLastNames(@RepeatParameter(2) String name);

7. SQL Operations

7.1. @Select

The module supports the SELECT SQL operation.

7.1.1. Returning Types Support Reactive Types Support

PostgreSQL Data Repositories that generated by the RxMicro frameworks support the following return reactive types:

public interface SelectSingleDataRepository {

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE email = ?")
    Mono<Account> findByEmail1(String email);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE email = ?")
    CompletableFuture<Account> findByEmail2(String email);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE email = ?")
    CompletionStage<Account> findByEmail3(String email);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE email = ?")
    CompletableFuture<Optional<Account>> findByEmail4(String email);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE email = ?")
    CompletionStage<Optional<Account>> findByEmail5(String email);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE email = ?")
    Single<Account> findByEmail6(String email);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE email = ?")
    Maybe<Account> findByEmail7(String email);
public interface SelectManyDataRepository {

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY id")
    Mono<List<Account>> findAll1();

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY id")
    Flux<Account> findAll2();

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY id")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findAll3();

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY id")
    CompletionStage<List<Account>> findAll4();

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY id")
    Single<List<Account>> findAll5();

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY id")
    Flowable<Account> findAll6();

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile. Model Types Support

PostgreSQL Data Repositories that generated by the RxMicro frameworks support the following return model types:

        "${table}", "account"
public interface SelectSingleDataRepository {

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} " +
            "WHERE email=''")
    CompletableFuture<Account> findSingleAccount();

    @Select("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM ${table} " +
            "WHERE email=''")
    CompletableFuture<EntityFieldMap> findSingleEntityFieldMap();

    @Select("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM ${table} " +
            "WHERE email=''")
    CompletableFuture<EntityFieldList> findSingleEntityFieldList();

    @Select("SELECT email FROM ${table} " +
            "WHERE email=''")
    CompletableFuture<String> findSingleEmail();

    @Select("SELECT role FROM ${table} " +
            "WHERE email=''")
    CompletableFuture<Role> findSingleRole();

    @Select("SELECT balance FROM ${table} " +
            "WHERE email=''")
    CompletableFuture<BigDecimal> findSingleBalance();
public interface SelectManyDataRepository {

    @Select("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM ${table} ORDER BY id")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findAllAccounts();

            value = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM ${table} ORDER BY id",
            entityClass = Account.class
    CompletableFuture<List<EntityFieldMap>> findAllEntityFieldMapList();

            value = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM ${table} ORDER BY id",
            entityClass = Account.class
    CompletableFuture<List<EntityFieldList>> findAllEntityFieldList();

            value = "SELECT email FROM ${table} ORDER BY id",
            entityClass = Account.class
    CompletableFuture<List<String>> findAllEmails();

            value = "SELECT DISTINCT role FROM ${table} ORDER BY role",
            entityClass = Account.class
    CompletableFuture<List<Role>> findAllRoles();

            value = "SELECT DISTINCT balance FROM ${table} ORDER BY balance",
            entityClass = Account.class
    CompletableFuture<List<BigDecimal>> findAllBalances();

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile. All Supported Return Types

For more information, we recommend that You familiarize yourself with the following examples:

7.1.2. WHERE, ORDER BY and Other SELECT Operations

The module supports all SQL nested operators that are supported by the SELECT operation:

  • WHERE operator:

public interface SelectByFilterRepository {

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE role=?")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findByRole(Role role);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE first_name=? OR first_name=? OR first_name=?")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findByFirstName(
            String firstName1, String firstName2, String firstName3

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE balance BETWEEN ? AND ?")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findByBalance(BigDecimal minBalance, BigDecimal maxBalance);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE first_name=? OR last_name=?")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findByFirstOrLastName(String name1, String name2);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE first_name ILIKE ? OR last_name ILIKE ?")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findByFirstOrLastName(@RepeatParameter(2) String name);
  • IN operator:

public interface SelectByFilterUsingINOperatorRepository {

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE role IN ('CEO'::role, 'Systems_Architect'::role)")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findByRole();

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE email NOT IN (SELECT email FROM blocked_accounts)")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findNotBlockedAccount();

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE email in ?")
    CompletableFuture<Optional<Account>> findByEmail(String email);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE email in ?")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findByEmail(List<String> emails);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE role in (?)")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findByRole(Role role);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE role in (?)")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findByRole(List<Role> roles);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE balance in (?)")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findByBalance(BigDecimal balance);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE balance in ?")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findByBalance(List<BigDecimal> balances);
  • ORDER BY operator:

public interface SelectOrderedDataRepository {

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY id")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findAllOrderedById();

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY ( id ? )")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findAllOrderedById(SortOrder sortOrder);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY ? ?")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findAllOrderedBy(String columnName, SortOrder sortOrder);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY (id ?, email ?) LIMIT 10")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findAllOrderedByIdAndEmail(
            @RepeatParameter(2) SortOrder sortOrder
  • LIMIT and/or OFFSET operator(s):

public interface SelectLimitedDataRepository {

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY id LIMIT 2")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findFirst2Accounts();

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY id LIMIT ?")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findAccounts(int limit);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY id LIMIT ? OFFSET ?")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findAccounts(int limit, int offset);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} ORDER BY id LIMIT ? OFFSET ?")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> findAccounts(Pageable pageable);
  • Composition of WHERE, ORDER BY, LIMIT and OFFSET operators:

public interface SelectComplexDataRepository {

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE " +
            "first_name ILIKE ? AND role IN (?) AND balance < ? " +
            "ORDER BY (id ?, email ?) " +
            "LIMIT ? " +
            "OFFSET ?")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> find01(
            String firstNameTemplate,
            List<Role> roles,
            BigDecimal balance,
            @RepeatParameter(2) SortOrder sortOrder,
            int limit,
            int offset
  • etc.

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

7.1.3. Selected Projections

The module supports projections from selected table(s).

To use projections, developer must specify required columns at SELECT query:

public interface SelectProjectionDataRepository {

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} " +
            "WHERE email=''")
    CompletableFuture<Account> findAllColumns();

    @Select("SELECT id, email, first_name, last_name, balance FROM ${table} " +
            "WHERE email=''")
    CompletableFuture<Account> findAllColumnsExceptRole1();

    @Select("SELECT id, email, last_name, first_name, balance FROM ${table} " +
            "WHERE email=''")
    CompletableFuture<Account> findAllColumnsExceptRole2();

    @Select("SELECT 1 as id, " +
            "'' as email, " +
            "'Hendricks' as last_name, " +
            "'Richard' as first_name, " +
            "70000.00 as balance")
    CompletableFuture<Account> findAllColumnsExceptRole3();

    @Select("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM ${table} " +
            "WHERE email=''")
    CompletableFuture<Account> findFirstAndLastName();

    @Select("SELECT id, " +
            "'***@***' as email, " +
            "upper(last_name) as last_name, " +
            "first_name, " +
            "(20000 + 50000.00) as balance " +
            "FROM ${table} " +
            "WHERE email=''")
    CompletableFuture<Account> findModifiedColumns();

For each nonstandard projection, the RxMicro framework generates a separate converter method.

For example for SelectProjectionDataRepository the RxMicro framework generates the following converter:

public final class $$AccountEntityFromDBConverter
        extends EntityFromDBConverter<Row, RowMetadata, Account> {

    public Account fromDB(final Row dbRow,
                          final RowMetadata metadata) {
        final Account model = new Account(); = dbRow.get(0, Long.class); = dbRow.get(1, String.class);
        model.firstName = dbRow.get(2, String.class);
        model.lastName = dbRow.get(3, String.class);
        model.balance = dbRow.get(4, BigDecimal.class);
        model.role = toEnum(Role.class, dbRow.get(5, String.class), "role");
        return model;

    public Account fromDBFirst_nameLast_name(final Row dbRow,
                                             final RowMetadata metadata) {
        final Account model = new Account();
        model.firstName = dbRow.get(0, String.class);
        model.lastName = dbRow.get(1, String.class);
        return model;

    public Account fromDBIdEmailFirst_nameLast_nameBalance(final Row dbRow,
                                                           final RowMetadata metadata) {
        final Account model = new Account(); = dbRow.get(0, Long.class); = dbRow.get(1, String.class);
        model.firstName = dbRow.get(2, String.class);
        model.lastName = dbRow.get(3, String.class);
        model.balance = dbRow.get(4, BigDecimal.class);
        return model;

    public Account fromDBIdEmailLast_nameFirst_nameBalance(final Row dbRow,
                                                           final RowMetadata metadata) {
        final Account model = new Account(); = dbRow.get(0, Long.class); = dbRow.get(1, String.class);
        model.lastName = dbRow.get(2, String.class);
        model.firstName = dbRow.get(3, String.class);
        model.balance = dbRow.get(4, BigDecimal.class);
        return model;
1 It is standard converter example.
(This converter is a standard one, because an order of the selected columns is defined by the order of fields of Java model class. (Account class for current example.))

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

7.1.4. Custom Select

The module introduces a @CustomSelect annotation that allows working with a Custom SELECT.

The Custom SELECT is a string parameter that sends to a repository method and contains a SQL, built dynamically during an execution of a microservice:

public interface CustomSelectRepository {

    CompletableFuture<List<EntityFieldMap>> findAll(
            @CustomSelect String sql (1)

    CompletableFuture<Optional<Account>> findAccount(
            @CustomSelect(supportUniversalPlaceholder = false) String sql, (2)
            String firstName

    CompletableFuture<Optional<Account>> findFirstAndLastName(
            @CustomSelect(selectedColumns = {"first_name", "last_name"}) String sql, (3)
            String firstName

    CompletableFuture<Optional<Account>> findLastAndFirstName(
            @CustomSelect(selectedColumns = {"last_name", "first_name"}) String sql, (4)
            String firstName
1 This is example of a repository method that can execute any SELECT query.
2 This repository method selects all columns defined at Account entity.
(Disabling of universal placeholder means that developer must use postgres specific placeholder ($1, $2, etc) instead of universal placeholder (?). Otherwise error will be thrown!)
3 This repository method selects only selected columns (first_name and last_name) from account table.
(This method supports universal placeholder!)
4 This repository method selects only selected columns (last_name and first_name) from account table.
(This method supports universal placeholder!)

Using of the Custom SELECT feature requires that dynamic built SQL contains the predefined selected columns, otherwise the model converter will convert a table row to the instance of Java class incorrectly!

The following test describes how the Custom SELECT feature can be tested:

void findAll() {
    final List<EntityFieldMap> entityFieldMaps = dataRepository.findAll(
            "SELECT email, first_name, last_name FROM account WHERE id = 1"
                            "email", "",
                            "first_name", "Richard",
                            "last_name", "Hendricks"

void findAccount() {
    final Optional<Account> optionalAccount = dataRepository.findAccount(
            "SELECT * FROM account WHERE first_name = $1",
                    new Account(
                            new BigDecimal("70000.00")

void findFirstAndLastName() {
    final Optional<Account> optionalAccount = dataRepository.findFirstAndLastName(
            "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account WHERE first_name = ?",
            Optional.of(new Account("Richard", "Hendricks")),

void findLastAndFirstName() {
    final Optional<Account> optionalAccount = dataRepository.findLastAndFirstName(
            "SELECT last_name, first_name FROM account WHERE first_name = ?",
            Optional.of(new Account("Richard", "Hendricks")),

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

7.2. @Insert

The module supports the INSERT SQL operation:

public interface DataRepository {

    CompletableFuture<Boolean> insert1(Account account);

    CompletableFuture<Account> insert2(Account account);

    @Insert("INSERT INTO ${table} VALUES(nextval('account_seq'),?,?,?,?,?)")
            "${table}", "account"
    CompletableFuture<Long> insert3(
            String email, String firstName, String lastName, BigDecimal balance, Role role

    @Insert("INSERT INTO ${table} VALUES(nextval('account_seq'),?,?,?,?,?) RETURNING *")
    CompletableFuture<Account> insert4(
            String email, String firstName, String lastName, BigDecimal balance, Role role

            value = "INSERT INTO ${table} VALUES(nextval('account_seq'),?,?,?,?,?)",
            entityClass = Account.class
    CompletableFuture<Long> insert5(
            String email, String firstName, String lastName, BigDecimal balance, Role role

            value = "INSERT INTO ${table} VALUES(nextval('account_seq'),?,?,?,?,?) RETURNING *",
            entityClass = Account.class
    CompletableFuture<EntityFieldMap> insert6(
            String email, String firstName, String lastName, BigDecimal balance, Role role

    @Insert("INSERT INTO ${table}(${inserted-columns}) VALUES(${values}) " +
            "RETURNING ${returning-columns}")
    CompletableFuture<AccountResult> insert7(Account account);

    @Insert("INSERT INTO ${table}(${inserted-columns}) VALUES(${values}) " +
            "ON CONFLICT (${id-columns}) DO UPDATE SET ${on-conflict-update-inserted-columns}" +
            "RETURNING ${returning-columns}")
    CompletableFuture<AccountResult> insert8(Account account);

    @Insert("INSERT INTO ${table}(${inserted-columns}) VALUES(${values}) " +
            "ON CONFLICT (${id-columns}) DO UPDATE SET ${on-conflict-update-inserted-columns}")
    CompletableFuture<Void> insert9(Account account);

    @Insert("INSERT INTO ${table}(${inserted-columns}) VALUES(${values}) " +
            "ON CONFLICT (${id-columns}) DO NOTHING")
    CompletableFuture<Void> insert10(Account account);

    @Insert("INSERT INTO ${table} SELECT * FROM dump RETURNING *")
    CompletableFuture<List<Account>> insertMany1();

    @Insert("INSERT INTO account SELECT * FROM dump")
    CompletableFuture<Long> insertMany2();
1 The variable values are used to resolve predefined variables at the SQL query.
(Read more about the algorithm of the variables resolving at Section 8, “Variables Support”.)

For more information, we recommend that You familiarize yourself with the following examples:

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

7.3. @Update

The module supports the UPDATE SQL operation:

public interface DataRepository {

    CompletableFuture<Boolean> update1(Account account);

    @Update("UPDATE ${table} SET first_name=?, last_name=? WHERE id=?")
            "${table}", "account"
    CompletableFuture<Long> update2(String firstName, String lastName, Long id);

    @Update("UPDATE ${table} SET first_name=?, last_name=? WHERE ${by-id-filter} RETURNING *")
    CompletableFuture<Account> update3(String firstName, String lastName, Long id);

            value = "UPDATE ${table} SET first_name=?, last_name=? " +
                    "WHERE id = ?",
            entityClass = Account.class
    CompletableFuture<Long> update4(String firstName, String lastName, Long id);

            value = "UPDATE ${table} SET first_name=?, last_name=? " +
                    "WHERE ${by-id-filter} RETURNING *",
            entityClass = Account.class
    CompletableFuture<EntityFieldMap> update5(String firstName, String lastName, Long id);
1 The variable values are used to resolve predefined variables at the SQL query.
(Read more about the algorithm of the variables resolving at Section 8, “Variables Support”.)

For more information, we recommend that You familiarize yourself with the following examples:

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

7.4. @Delete

The module supports the DELETE SQL operation:

public interface DataRepository {

    CompletableFuture<Boolean> delete1(Account account);

    @Delete("DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE balance < ?")
            "${table}", "account"
    CompletableFuture<Long> delete2(BigDecimal minRequiredBalance);

    @Delete("DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE ${by-id-filter} RETURNING *")
    CompletableFuture<Account> delete3(Long id);

    @Delete(entityClass = Account.class)
    CompletableFuture<Long> delete4(Long id);

            value = "DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE ${by-id-filter} RETURNING *",
            entityClass = Account.class
    CompletableFuture<EntityFieldMap> delete5(Long id);
1 The variable values are used to resolve predefined variables at the SQL query.
(Read more about the algorithm of the variables resolving at Section 8, “Variables Support”.)

For more information, we recommend that You familiarize yourself with the following examples:

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

8. Variables Support

When building SQL queries, sometimes it is necessary to specify the table name as a string constant. This feature provides the developer with more flexibility: the table names may vary depending on the environment.

For better readability of SQL query, the RxMicro framework recommends using predefined variables instead of string concatenation:

public static final String TABLE_NAME = "table1";

@Select("SELECT id, value FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE id = ?")
CompletableFuture<EntityFieldMap> findById1(long id);

@Select("SELECT id, value FROM ${table} WHERE id = ?")
        "${table}", TABLE_NAME
CompletableFuture<EntityFieldMap> findById2(long id);
1 String constant with table name.
2 When strings are concatenated, the readability of an entire SQL query gets worse.
3 Instead of string concatenation, the RxMicro framework recommends using predefined variables.

All predefined variables supported by the RxMicro framework are declared in the SupportedVariables class

To determine the value of the predefined variable used in the query specified for the repository method, the RxMicro framework uses the following algorithm:

  1. If the repository method returns or accepts the entity model as a parameter, the entity model class is used to define the variable value.

  2. Otherwise, the RxMicro framework analyzes the optional entityClass parameter defined in the @Select, @Insert, @Update and @Delete annotations.

  3. If the optional entityClass parameter is set, the class specified in this parameter is used to define the variable value.

  4. If the optional entityClass parameter is missing, the RxMicro framework tries to extract the variable value from the @VariableValues annotation, which annotates this repository method.

  5. If the repository method is not annotated with the @VariableValues annotation or the @VariableValues annotation does not contain the value of a predefined variable, then the RxMicro framework tries to extract the value of this variable from the @VariableValues annotation, which annotates the repository interface.

  6. If the variable value is undefined in all specified places, then the RxMicro framework notifies the developer about the error.

        "${table}", SelectDataRepository.GLOBAL_TABLE
public interface SelectDataRepository {

    public static final String GLOBAL_TABLE = "global_table";

    public static final String ENTITY_TABLE = "entity_table";

    public static final String LOCAL_TABLE = "local_table";

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table}")
    CompletableFuture<List<Entity>> findFromEntityTable1();

    @Select(value = "SELECT * FROM ${table}", entityClass = Entity.class)
    CompletableFuture<List<EntityFieldMap>> findFromEntityTable2();

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table}")
    CompletableFuture<List<EntityFieldMap>> findFromGlobalTable();

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table}")
            "${table}", SelectDataRepository.LOCAL_TABLE
    CompletableFuture<List<EntityFieldMap>> findFromLocalTable();
1 The ${table} variable value will be equal to entity_table.
(The variable value is read from the Entity class, which is returned by this method.)
2 The ${table} variable value will be equal to entity_table.
(The variable value is read from the Entity class, since this class is specified in the entityClass parameter.)
3 The ${table} variable value will be equal to global_table.
(The variable value is read from the @VariableValues annotation, which annotates the repository interface.)
4 The ${table} variable value will be equal to local_table.
(The variable value is read from the @VariableValues annotation, which annotates the repository method.)

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

9. Primary Keys Support

The module supports four types of the primary keys:

  • Auto generated primary key. (SERIAL type.)
    (A uniqueness of this type of primary key is controlled by the database server!):

Long id;
Long id;
  • Manually set primary key.
    (A developer must control a uniqueness of this type of primary key!):

@PrimaryKey(autoGenerated = false)
Integer id;
  • Complex primary key:
    (A developer must control a uniqueness of this type of primary key!):

@PrimaryKey(autoGenerated = false)
Long idCategory;

@PrimaryKey(autoGenerated = false)
@Column(length = Column.UNLIMITED_LENGTH)
String idType;

@PrimaryKey(autoGenerated = false)
Role idRole;

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

10. @ExpectedUpdatedRowsCount annotation

Enables validation for updated rows count during DML operation, like Insert, Update and Delete operations. This annotation adds additional runtime validator that validates the actual updated rows during SQL operation.

If current database has invalid state the InvalidDatabaseStateException will be thrown!

The following examples demonstrate the @ExpectedUpdatedRowsCount annotation usage:

@Insert("INSERT INTO ${table} SELECT * FROM dump")
Mono<Long> insert12();

@Insert("INSERT INTO ${table} VALUES(nextval('account_seq'),?,?)")
Mono<Boolean> insert13(String firstName, String lastName);

@Insert("INSERT INTO ${table} VALUES(nextval('account_seq'),?,?) RETURNING *")
Mono<Account> insert14(String firstName, String lastName);

@Insert("INSERT INTO ${table} VALUES(nextval('account_seq'),?,?) RETURNING *")
Mono<Account> insert15(String firstName, String lastName);
@Update("UPDATE ${table} SET first_name=?, last_name=? WHERE email=?")
Mono<Long> update12(String firstName, String lastName, String email);

@Update("UPDATE ${table} SET first_name=?, last_name=? WHERE id=?")
Mono<Boolean> update13(String firstName, String lastName, Long id);

@Update("UPDATE ${table} SET first_name=?, last_name=? WHERE ${by-id-filter} RETURNING *")
Mono<Account> update14(String firstName, String lastName, Long id);

@Update("UPDATE ${table} SET first_name=?, last_name=? WHERE ${by-id-filter} RETURNING *")
Mono<Account> update15(String firstName, String lastName, Long id);
@Delete(entityClass = Account.class)
Mono<Void> delete11(Long id);

@Delete("DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE first_name ILIKE ? OR last_name ILIKE ?")
Mono<Long> delete12(Transaction transaction, @RepeatParameter(2) String name);

@Delete(entityClass = Account.class)
Mono<Boolean> delete13(Long id);

@Delete("DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE ${by-id-filter} RETURNING *")
Mono<Account> delete14(Long id);

@Delete("DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE ${by-id-filter} RETURNING *")
Mono<Account> delete15(Long id);

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

11. Transactions Support

11.1. DataBase Transactions

To work with database transactions the RxMicro framework introduces a basic transaction model:

public interface Transaction {

    ReactiveType commit();

    ReactiveType rollback();

    ReactiveType create(SavePoint savePoint);

    ReactiveType release(SavePoint savePoint);

    ReactiveType rollback(SavePoint savePoint);

    IsolationLevel getIsolationLevel();

    ReactiveType setIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel isolationLevel);

where ReactiveType can be Mono<Void>, Completable or CompletableFuture<Void>.

This basic transaction model has adaptation for all supported reactive libraries:


public interface BeginReactorTransactionRepository {

    Mono<Transaction> beginTransaction();

    Mono<Transaction> beginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel);

public interface BeginRxJava3TransactionRepository {

    Single<Transaction> beginTransaction();

    Single<Transaction> beginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel);

public interface BeginCompletableFutureTransactionRepository {

    CompletionStage<Transaction> beginTransaction1();

    CompletionStage<Transaction> beginTransaction1(IsolationLevel isolationLevel);

    CompletableFuture<Transaction> beginTransaction2();

    CompletableFuture<Transaction> beginTransaction2(IsolationLevel isolationLevel);

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

11.2. Concurrent Access Example

The following example demonstrates how developer can use the RxMicro framework to build microservice that requires concurrent access:

public interface ConcurrentRepository {

    Mono<Transaction> beginTransaction();

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE id=? FOR UPDATE")
    Mono<Account> findAccountById(Transaction transaction, long id);

    @Select("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE id=? FOR UPDATE")
    Mono<Product> findProductById(Transaction transaction, int id);

    @Update(value = "UPDATE ${table} SET balance=? WHERE id=?", entityClass = Account.class)
    Mono<Void> updateAccountBalance(Transaction transaction, BigDecimal balance, long id);

    @Update(value = "UPDATE ${table} SET count=? WHERE id=?", entityClass = Product.class)
    Mono<Void> updateProductCount(Transaction transaction, int count, long id);

    Mono<Order> createOrder(Transaction transaction, Order order);
public final class ConcurrentBusinessService {

    private final ConcurrentRepository repository = getRepository(ConcurrentRepository.class);

     * @return order id if purchase is successful or
     *         error signal if:
     *                  - account not found or
     *                  - product not found or
     *                  - products ran out or
     *                  - money ran out
    public Mono<Long> tryToBuy(final long idAccount,
                               final int idProduct,
                               final int count) {
        return repository.beginTransaction()
                .flatMap(transaction -> repository.findAccountById(transaction, idAccount)
                        .flatMap(account -> repository.findProductById(transaction, idProduct)
                                .flatMap(product ->
                                        tryToBuy(transaction, account, product, count))
                                .switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(() ->
                                        // product not found
                                        new ProductNotFoundException(idProduct))))
                        // account not found
                        .switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(() -> new AccountNotFoundException(idAccount)))

    private Mono<Long> tryToBuy(final Transaction transaction,
                                final Account account,
                                final Product product,
                                final int count) {
        if (count <= product.getCount()) {
            final BigDecimal cost = product.getPrice().multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(count));
            if (cost.compareTo(account.getBalance()) <= 0) {
                return buy(transaction, account, product, count, cost);
            } else {
                // money ran out
                return Mono.error(new NotEnoughFundsException(cost, account.getBalance()));
        } else {
            // products ran out
            return Mono.error(new NotEnoughProductCountException(count, product.getCount()));

    // purchase is successful, returns order id
    private Mono<Long> buy(final Transaction transaction,
                           final Account account,
                           final Product product,
                           final int count,
                           final BigDecimal cost) {
        final int newProductCount = product.getCount() - count;
        final BigDecimal newBalance = account.getBalance().subtract(cost);
        final Order order = new Order(account.getId(), product.getId(), count);

        return repository.updateProductCount(transaction, newProductCount, product.getId())
                .then(repository.updateAccountBalance(transaction, newBalance, account.getId())
                        .then(repository.createOrder(transaction, order)
                                .flatMap(id -> transaction.commit()

For more information, we recommend that You familiarize yourself with the following examples:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

12. Partial Implementation

If the Postgre SQL data repository generated by the RxMicro Annotation Processor contains errors, incorrect or non-optimized logic, the developer can use the Partial Implementation feature.

This feature allows You to implement methods for the Postgre SQL data repository on Your own, instead of generating them by the RxMicro framework.

To activate this feature, You need to use the @PartialImplementation annotation, and specify an abstract class that contains a partial implementation of method(s) for Postgre SQL data repository:

public interface DataRepository {

    @Select("SELECT 1 + 1")
    CompletableFuture<Long> generatedMethod();

    CompletableFuture<Long> userDefinedMethod();
1 Using the @PartialImplementation annotation, the AbstractDataRepository class is specified.

An AbstractDataRepository contains the following content:

public abstract class AbstractDataRepository extends AbstractPostgreSQLRepository
        implements DataRepository {

    protected AbstractDataRepository(final Class<?> repositoryClass, final ConnectionPool pool) {
        super(repositoryClass, pool);

    public CompletableFuture<Long> userDefinedMethod() {
        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(100L);

An abstract class that contains a partial implementation must meet the following requirements:

  1. The class must be an abstract one.

  2. The class must extend the AbstractPostgreSQLRepository one.

  3. The class must implement the PostgreSQL data repository interface.

  4. The class must contain an implementation of all methods that are not generated automatically.

In terms of infrastructure, the repository methods generated and defined by the developer for Postgre SQL data repository do not differ:

void generatedMethod() {
    assertEquals(2L, dataRepository.generatedMethod().join());

void userDefinedMethod() {
    assertEquals(100L, dataRepository.userDefinedMethod().join());

The project source code used in the current subsection is available at the following link:

When compiling, the RxMicro framework searches for RxMicro Annotations in the source code and generates additional classes necessary for the integral work of the microservice.

When changing the RxMicro Annotations in the source code, DON’T FORGET to recompile the ALL source code, not just the changed file, for the changes to take effect: mvn clean compile.

13. Logging

PostgreSQL Data Repositories use the R2DBC PostgreSQL Driver, so in order to activate database request logging, You must configure the R2DBC PostgreSQL Driver Logger:

For example, if to the classpath of the current project add the resource:


,then PostgreSQL Data Repositories will generate request logs to the database while working:

[DEBUG] io.r2dbc.postgresql.QUERY : Executing query: SHOW TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL
[DEBUG] io.r2dbc.postgresql.QUERY : Executing query: SELECT 2+2
[DEBUG] io.r2dbc.postgresql.QUERY : Executing query: SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account WHERE email = $1

REST-based Microservice Documentation


Mongo Data Repositories